Your feedback about last update

My main “gripe” is that his change changes too much to be testable by normal players.

I don’t have 2 hours to sort out my squads and figure out how the progression system works - I want the game to have systems that are easy and intuitive to figure out quickly.

This change is not at that stage - it really is not suitable for open testing at all.


This game doesn’t need the merge at all and here is why and how.

World war 2 was unbalanced as hell. Quite often a squad of men armed with bolt action rifles would get mowed down by a guy with an automatic or semi automatic rifle.

Guys, what is the merge actually here to address? Long queue times. How many people are actually ever complaining about that? I’ve never heard anyone and I’ve never had to deal with that issue, playing at all random times with different shifts and times zones.

I just got off a high of killing a Sherman with an Italian tank, the crappy one. In a fair move, in city fighting. Then later in the match I took another Sherman with AT rifles from a high position.

Despite this we lost the match, despite my awesome new paratroopers. Despite all the gold order Italian weapons and the melee swords. My axis Tunisian forces never really came out on top. But by gosh I don’t mind losing a match as long as it was a good match. The only real problem I have with Enlisted after 720+ days of playing and 30+ days of being in matches back to back to back. Is that when I lose a match that was fought well and get like 2nd and have premium and boosters I still get nothing for XP.

I loved the first time I tried this game on Normandy and had nothing but a springfield 03 squad and a grease gun to take Omaha Beach. Gosh darn it man, WW2 is unbalanced, in Moscow you should be abled to get wiped by a goofy Russian heavy tank once in a while. But other times a german blitz of pz III and planes and arty will take the day.

And then I played Berlin. I don’t do that a lot. I used my Magazine fed PPsh 41. I did good with it, but I was missing the 71 round drums. I was thinking back to the reason why they abandoned them. They had issues with fit and finish and manufacture time.
And the crappy german weapons. I don’t want to give up that feel anywhere. I don’t want the PPsh to be or the PPD 40 to be out of place anywhere and stuck in 1945 because they are “Too OP”
I don’t care, they were there. Let them be there.

Really now I’m going to have to sit here and calculate like a little smurf how I can best weight my gear to down teir me? Rather than just play the area and time and battle I wanted?
There is a lot of realism you give up in this game. But that is one of the things I think lots of us sub consciously like about Enlisted.
Its not like battlefield 1942, we don’t see every brit carrying a BAR in Operation BattleAxe.
It isn’t War Thunder, we don’t have a Chaffee working together with a Panzer IV and a Chi-Ha.
At first and for a long time I thought the squad/bot system made this game HUGE. But when you look at the players on each side and total number of dudes running around shooting, it isn’t that much bigger than your average BF back in the 64 player days.
What the bot system is doing is making the battle space feel huge, filled, contiguous and more or less homogeneous of the area and time we are supposed to be in.
But oh no what about

Add a playlists, the party leader, or you when playing solo can just check box the campaigns in this play search you want to queue for.
Or how about a server browser like the old days, in KF, BF2, any valve game. Have it tell you what campaign and modes are in rotation. And if it is in progress or in lobby.

then have like other games, a queue on the main menu recommended weakly challenge bonus xp thing FOMO crap that DarkFlow recommends. That will fix your “low pop in certain areas’ Now add Italy and UK stuff.

Grinding the same weapon or vehicle again without a squad attached? Okay give your account a little behind the scenes or in front of the scene XP boost indicator. If I earned the MP 40 on 1 campaign, 10%, next time I grind it 25%xp etc. Then I wouldn’t even feel salty about earning them again.

And for the love of god if you guys really have your hearts set on this, tell your bosses back in HQ, very clearly, that you NEED more time to sort this out. Maybe even until the New Year.

This is a strawman. The campaigns are horribly unbalanced from a player participation point of view. This fixes that.

You might want to ask yourself? Why did darkflow do all this extra work to create a game with LESS monetization? Because they want it to be a game that will attract a broad audience. The multi-campaign system sucked.


I don’t care about the grind, long short. First rodeo? I played WT from 2012 until 2017 almost daily. Free to Play most of those days too lol. But man on Enlisted I’ve been hitting it all premium and its still a B. Either way, the fun in it is a lot of the immersion and stuff mentioned above in how it works like pulls you into that WW2 field of death. Man you are supposed to be in the meat grinder some matches. Others I’ve go 83 and 0.
Other times you are Zap Branigan and send WAVE AFTER WAVE OF MY OWN MEN AT THEM. Until the enemy runs out of ammo.
This game is perfect for being lopsided. Literally BOTS.
The only way I can tell who if I’m against humans or bots sometimes is if they never spawn a vehicle. Then its all bots. But a lot of time humans are dumber than the DarkFlow AI.

I mean that last part as an insult to human intelligence not AI.

If I’m alone on a side with no help, well more kills for me to farm, I don’t have to share, and I can hop in a tank.

The only thing they have to do is teach the AI how to do basic driving subroutines, and if they get stuck for X amount of time, bail out and go on foot. Then we are golden. Keep dividing the playerbase, add playlists, checklists, severver browser (That doesn’t nerf your XP) and something of a homepage like CounterStrike Go used to have with Delta Omega, whatver DF really needs players to enter into.
It can be Conquest mode, or demolition mode or how about a big map that goes all the way from
Omaha beach all the way back point after point after point to the airfield map?
Make that one you can drop in and drop out of.

You don’t have to ruin my favorite game, and could attract a wide new playerbase, and the old playerbase would love to try it.

Hey, new idea.
Berlin Map.
One side is pushing in from the train map ouside the city, other side is trying to push out and make a breakout from the train yard. The points can be flipped back and forth, red to blue.

If either side gets out of the city or into the heart of the city, Match over, reset.

Doesn’t matter if you are getting wiped, you are supposed to get stomped on Berlin. Or break out and you succeed, woo.
New long matches could draw in a more Heroes and Generals crowd, and the shooter crowd is still here. Keep the history intact and cool. But also allow some drop in drop out longer maps that are bigger.

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If you’ve heard about the big action mod you might get that type of feeling you’re looking for in there.


Yes, link to guide WIP: Handbook for Big Action Volokolamsk Players. (testing `709ex3b56` ) for a better idea, it is a enlisted endgame and will be main thing I play post merge.


Hey @1942786 we need a thread specifically to talk about the dev server.

In short I love all of it (except glaring issues with uniforms). But we need a place we can all give feedback too besides bugs.

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  1. The Soviet army did not have touch and bomb grenade and should consider increasing the damage and range of the Soviet army’s combustion bottle separately, as their functions are similar

  2. Currently, the Soviet camp in the game does not have paratroopers. Therefore, it should be considered to temporarily disable paratroopers for the Axis camp during the war against the Soviet camp. And in the subsequent process, add paratroopers to the Soviet camp

3.At present, the site speed, manpower recovery, and manpower consumption in the game still seem to be the same as those in the official server. It should be considered to balance the occupancy speed, manpower recovery, and manpower consumption based on the current camp strength

What I like shorter queue times.

what I don’t like the balance is worse now.

This is 1000% spot on. Both sides need access to Para’s in a fight. I would PREFER an event for Russian paras to kick the new patch off. I also think every nation should have one para squad in their tech tree, but in lieu of that locking out axis paras in Russia vs. Axis matches is a great short term solution.


I have been personally cooking them due to the gang beating them with paras, tides are finna change today though.

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You missed the memo…BR wasnt active on test server

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Nobody cares. “Historical Accuracy” is a fiction and those games that stick to it hardcore are never popular. Go play Hell Let Loose with the other 100 people that care.


The joke is, even HLL isn’t HA.

His example is dumb too. What, Tiger’s never fought in Winter in Russia?? Not like any of these maps are particularly accurate. Just so tired of this drivel This is a game. Realism in War Games is the dumbest thing to ask for. Trust me. You don’t want any of this to be realistic. If it was “Historically Accurate” Allies would get 3 times as many planes and 3 times as much Arty and have way more ammo


You are right its my bad. I’m taking my words back.


Go play battlefield

Please implement FSR 2.0 or even 3.0

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What I like:
·I can use all my unique squad
What I hate extremely
·How do you set the preference? I played as GER but I can rarely play against USSR.Why?Is there any unreasonable settings?Why can PANZER V goes into Staringrad but T34-85 cant?Why can I found Faustpatrone in Moscow?You’ve broken the past balance, but the new balance seems to be worse than the past.

For there is not so many people playing USSR in Berlin now, if things goes like this, the toppest Ger can only play against USA.Why not delete the USSR V rank directly?