
I would like to have Sturmgeschütz IV


uh idk what that is how about a StuH? (i really forgot all german tank name ngl)


I hope their problems are solved, I’m looking forward to using their 128mm cannon against the Stuarts.

I hope it comes with an Exclusive Tank Destroyer Squadron for High and Low BR

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not only this one is not in War thunder so a lot of people will love it

it’s a panzer iv without the turret.

which essentially it’s a " stug IV ".
because stug stands for " Sturmgeschütz " assault gun.

which was a cheaper tank to produce and originally meant to be used against fortifications or support infantry.

but then became tank destroyers due to being good at it.

similarly to the US tank destroyer doctrine.

the stuh 42 it’s a stug III on the ausf G chassy with a 105 mm gun.

which it’s also present in the editor:


welp i prefer more aa tank like ost and wirbel wind tbh

I would start with the elephant


yes actually i want both elephant and ferdinand

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we do have some sort of skeleton, but it doesn’t fully function and the skin it’s even pre-alpha stage:

as well as the truck with the flak 37 ( which it’s in a slightly better shape and state )

there’s also the AS 42 Metropolitana:

but none of those left the editor stage.


welp if stinger can become reality im sure these can too someday

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well, the stinger was already present in CRSED / Cousine royale

it was mostly functional and pretty much designed to come out at some point.

these vehicles on the other hand, haven’t really gotten any updates or fixes.
that is, as of yet.

actually, the stinger got a model update. as the sights were changed.

Will there be a model of an 88mm Pak43?


most likely yes.

since we do have the gun from the flak " bus ".

( matter of fact, i made one for my mods )

so… technically yes. as " bigger at for engineers at higher brs " were confirmed and are on the roadmap:


That’s great, I hope they also include the 128mm Pak44 as a Heavy Cannon

If it’s not a bother, could you please show me all the vehicles, weapons, and anti-tank weapons that are in the game files?

errr… that’s sort of really time consuming.

however, there’s a wiki:

and, there’s also the main resourches:

if you want to look further stats or make comparisons.

Thanks no problem

There’s no need for any debate. In all likelihood those vehicles will definitely be added to the game, it’s not a matter of if just when