I propose to add a Strategy Map or, in other words, World War to our favorite game
events will take place on the global map of all continents except America and Antarctica, the war will last at the discretion of the Developers (I would like 1 year), and at the end of the event which side will have more points will win
here is the model:
since I didn’t find a suitable world map for me, I generated an alternative one
As we see, communication near big cities is good, but with distant places it’s the opposite
There will be fierce battles for every point
it will be possible to surround enemy divisions and destroy them :
I think you roughly understand what I mean
destroyed divisions will have a time penalty for revival or will not exist at all until the next world war
so players should be careful
divisions will be reborn in large cities and will move something like this
Player divisions can be edited, each division will have its own level
when the level increases, the composition of the division will change, for example, previously there were 50 soldiers (tickets) after increasing 100
you can put icons on your divisions so that other players can see them on the map, icons can be obtained in events or bought for gold
standard icons will be something like this
I have no idea how the selection of players for battles will be, but I would suggest that regular battles take place on a global map so you yourself could participate there without even wanting to
I would be interested in your opinion too
this is a matter of the distant future when the game comes out on Steam there will be many players and many companies will be added and so on,
thank you for reading to the end