Winter War campaign

Literally read the list
there is an entire finnish arsenal.

And its so big that the campaign level didnt made it past level 16

Meh murrica all over again and most likely quite unbalanced.

Like winter war wouldn’t be?

Well. WW2. Either US for the second-and-a-half time or Red Army for the fourth time now.

Only if first time in history of enlisted df decides to take in account how much certain guns actually were used or not.

So regardless which way you go its irrelevant in that matter, there will be copypasta anyway.

Yeah but guess at least Japan is better than the Sixth Reich.

isnt that pretty much exactly what japan is ?

That also applies to Pacific, so what is your point.

No, Imperial Japan will not be copy paste Germany for the umpteenth time unlike the Winter War , which would quite literally be USSR copy pasted twice in one campaign. Whatever your issues with the Pacific are, the Winter War has it tenfold.

Not really.

well there really wasnt any german equipment during winter war, by that time ussr & germun was buttbuddies.

well, theres atleast something to grind for in winter war, the type 1/2 smg’s aint really that appealing.

I don’t think you even understand how historical accuracy is going to work for the pacific.

Did you not read the whole sentence?

What, PPD 34/38 again for the third time? more Mosins? BT-7s and T-26s? At least none of the Japanese stuff are even in the game right now and would be unique. The only issue you seem to have against Pacific is that you don’t care for the Japanese or the Americans, which is fine, but I can guarantee you you are in the minority. Besides, all you have to do is not play the campaign if it does not appeal to you.

Thats quite irrelevant as there hardly is anything worth grinding for japanese.

Germut / Sovjet, none germut equipment and actually quite different moist-nuggets due to rather heavy modification.
Soo yeah, no.

Yeah, quite hard to think of factions that wouldnt be both entirely new and same time intresting.

Unique in same way as Mp40 is uniquely shit against ppsh ? Or in what way unique ?

There really just aint anything worth the time and effort of grinding. Its just that simple.

Well havent exactly seen massive uprise either for pacific campaign.

So why are you here debating then ? I mean your not forced to try winterwar in any manner.

That’s a matter of opinion

You appear to not understand what that statement means, so let me break it down for you.

The sentence has three parts to it, which are as follows:

  • No, Imperial Japan will not be copy paste Germany for the umpteenth time
  • unlike the Winter War
  • which would quite literally be USSR copy pasted twice in one campaign.

The first part of the sentence states that Japan would not be copy paste Germany, I think you understand this part so I’m not going to delve into it. The second part bridges the third part to the first, but since the third part is a sentence fragment, it needs the second part for context. I could in theory break it down into two sentences like so: "No, Imperial Japan will not be copy paste Germany for the umpteenth time. However, the Winter War would quite literally be USSR copy pasted twice in one campaign.
Does that clear things up?


matter of opinion and you are in the minority here so you should just bite the bullet
No, more like unique in the way the MG 42 matches the BAR, or the Thompson matches the StG. Weapons with different playstyles and strengths where one isn’t strictly better than the other.

Again, your opinion, bite the bullet.

I can promise you, for every request for a European campaign on this forum from the last year, there have been at least 2 that ask for a Pacific or East Asian campaign. Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean no one else does.

Because no one would play it, it would die faster than any campaign before it and waste server space. I can promise you that the Pacific will not do that through sheer power of it’s name alone, the same way that Normandy and Berlin are the two most populated campaigns.

In a game where your supposed to mow down waves of bots.
It isnt exactly matter of opinion.

Speaking of understanding while you clearly are clueless as fk.
Just read a little bit more next time.

I dont really see your majority here.

Still dont see your majority here.

Spam by 2 hc anime fans hardly is majority. Nor i dont exactly count it as request.

Name hardly means rat ass.
As the least populated campaigns has quite alot bigger issues than theyr name.

Which is exactly same problem pacific will have. Inferior equipment vs good equipment.

You mow down bots despite what weapons they have, what does changing the equipment have anything to do with that. Your logic follows zero compressible pattern and I’d suggest elaborating if you want to appear even the slightest bit intelegent.

Ironic coming from the person who cannot understand a simple compound sentence.

ok, you link every non Pacific or East Asian request thread you can find, and I’ll link every one I can find and we will see who has more, How about that.

As you so eloquently put it, the inferior equipment would only be an issue “if first time in history of enlisted df decides to take in account how much certain guns actually were used or not.”

Its quite self-explanatory, everyone uses the best possible tool to mow down bots.
Ur unique arisaka rifle and type1/2 smgs are rather shit at said task compared to what murrica has.

Its just that simple.
If your referring to few anime fans that are willing to go thru the hardship of playing japanese. That would make pacific even less populated campaign than winterwar which isnt even released yet.

I did just fine, all your sentence proved was your lack of knowledge.

Your argument, your burden.

And what would be those very little or not at all used guns by japanese that would make the campaign worth it ?

You are straw manning quite hard, Your don’t appear to even know what weapons the Japanese have as the Type 1 or Type 2 SMG were experimental. Furthermore, you don’t appear to know that both of them have 50 round box magazines and have ROFs akin to that of the PPSh, making them more than capable of mowing down bots.

Again, you keep saying Japan will have hardships, but every time I bring up something that says otherwise, you just ignore it.

Sure, you missed half of it then moved to cover your own ass. If you want, I have a grade school tutor friend who can help you if you need it.

Alright, fair enough, I’ll send a second message after this with what I find.

  • Type Hei, Otsu and Ko rifles
  • Type Hei LMG
  • Type 4 Rifle
  • Nambu Type 1
  • Nambu Type 2
  • Tokyo Arsenal Model 1927
  • Tokyo Arsenal Model 1928
  • Type 4 AT rocket Launcher
  • Type 5 Recoilless rifle
  • Type 3 Chi To
  • Type 4 Chi Nu
    You need anything else?

Cool, winterwar has 71 drum that inspired ussr to developed smg’s .
But surely that 30mag and fantasy 50 is also good.

Yeah, i did. Didnt expect you to be so clueless but damn did you prove me wrong with your ignorance.

And which ones were used or relying on pure fantasy?

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Yes, but we have already seen the Suomi haven’t we so who cares.

Well glad you are humble enough to finally you can’t read.

All of them with the exception of the Nambus were stayed on the home islands in case of a invasion, however that won’t stop the devs as all of them existed by the end of the war, meaning they can be added.