Winter War campaign

Yeah with same logic japanese crap can be added as premium.

Yeah, now just waiting when you figure out your ignorance.
I dont have high hopes.

I dont recall any of the jap SA’s being used.

But who cares, since your relying in fantasy to make japanese more appealing same can be applied to winter war as well.

Oh no doubt some will as the Arisaka is already a premium, but not all of it as there is enough that some will undoubtably end up in a proper campaign. Meanwhile there was literally only one reason to grind out a Winter War campaign and now that you can simply just buy it, who cares.

They weren’t, but the same can be said about the MkBs in Stalingrad, the Federov and the AVS in Berlin, the M2 Carbine and in Normandy and the Armeguerra in Tunisia. The devs bend historical accuracy all the time for balance, so why not for Japan.

Ok, tell me what you have in a Winter War campaign to make it not just a copy paste of equipment from other campaigns.

And the other thing that could be remotely intresting could as well br added as premium.

While theres, none in pacific.

And exact same thing can be done to other campaigns.

And ofc prototypes, but id say theres enough of used equipment.

I beg to differ, a ton of people would be more than willing to grind Japan for the Zero, as well as the all of the strange things they came up with.

All I see are repeats from other campaigns, with the exception of a single LMG.

Care to list any of them?

Yeah, another intresting thing.

And your the one questioning others reading capabilities.

Kp44, sampo44

There are more than enough Zero variants for one to be a premium.

All I read from that sight are Mosin variants and other captured soviet equipment as well as other things from Moscow, other than the KP/31 and the M/26. Not enough to bother with a new campaign.

Neither of those work for the Winter War because even the prototypes of those don’t exist during that time.

so is Kp31 variants if reskinning is the way to go.

so you really cant read.

That can be rather easily fixed to make winterwar include continuation war.
Or just time travelling, its not like its not done already and shouldnt really be a problem since your suggestion of japanese is entirely dependant on prototypes in order to make it able to compete with murrica.

Hah, good joke.

What am I missing then, you show me.

First off, the devs rule of “if it existed during the battle, then we can add it” is pretty constant so even they cannot BS that level of time travel, and secondly continuation war would be even worse, as now the Finns have both copy paste Soviet and German weapons. Horray.

The German and Soviet faction all have a crazy amount of prototype weapons already to balance things the other side has, so why not.

Quite long list of weapons not ingame and not soviet origin.

well theres already quite alot equipment travelling to fronts they werent at, so at this point its quite irrelevant to argue about which is the properiate level of time travelling.

Well atleast they are capable to compete with each other rather than having japs that doubtfully can compete even with fantasy weapons.

Little bit fantasy here as long as this fantasy fits my opinion.

Where, the burden is on you to show me.

No, because we actually have a set of rules for the level of time travel, you just seem to be unaware or ignorant of them.

All of the weapons I listed existed and were issued to troops some degree. The only reason they are “fantasy” are because they were issued for the defence of the home islands.

I’m ok with fantasy if the rules around them is consistent, and with the devs rules every one of those Japanese weapons fits nicely into a late war campaign or even some early war campaign.

Really ? Id say majority of rifles aint soviet origin and not ingame and you cant find them ?

Quite sure we didnt have them originally and as said combining it with continuation war solves the problem.

While every other weapon ingame has seen atleast some kind of action excluding gold orders.

ofc its fine if it fits your narrative.

Best part is that winter war doesnt even need fantasy weapons, fin as faction has more than enough equipment without fantasy guns.

Sorry, no decent player wants another campaign in europe.
France, finland or poland are not important for the game now, stop pretending they are.

The only rifles I see are Mosin variants, and other stuff that is in the another campaign . Care to direct me to where the non copy paste stuff might be, or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?
Untitled drawing (1)

Uh, MkB 42(H)? AVS 36? M2 Carbine?

I would be fine with it if it fit your narrative too. However, it doesn’t fit Winter War. I’ll grant you that those would fit into the continuation war, however that would just become Germany vs USSR again so what is the point of that.

Sure, get ready to unlock the AVS again twice in the same campaign, or the T-26 again twice in the same campaign. Horary, what unique and interesting unlocks.

Your supposed to open those blue categories. Double click works.

Quite sure it did see use.

definitely did see use.

Rename it to m1m2 so its converted m1 rather than m2 and ppl dont need to be so butthurt over it.

Fine. Very least finns could hold theyr own even without fantasy weapons.

Well balance to start with, since japs aint even announced yet and its clear that they need fantasy assistance to be even remotely balanced.

Well its far more balanced than pacific so why the fk not.
As the other option is to grind murrica again and roflstomp japs.

I did, and what I saw was listed in the image below that quote. All stuff that we have in Moscow or Tunisia. Boring

That one is sketchy at best, and most definitely not at Moscow or Stalingrad

They definitely were not used in Berlin, as their shortcomings had become very apparent earlier in the war and the AVT could do everything it could do but better.

Those conversions only began to take place after Normandy concluded.

The Japanese could hold their own in Burma. There is a lot one could do to balance the Pacific, “fantasy” weapons are only one of them. Maybe read some of the pacific proposals I linked, people have finding ways of balancing the Pacific since the forum has been open.

well got to admit BA’s aint all that intresting and thats pretty much all what japs have to offer

did see use, unlike jap prototypes.

As above.

as above said.

Yay, so 1 balanced map ?

Actually, I made a replay to the First post where I forgot to write all the weappns down with all the levels up to 20th, so, again, R E A D .

Shouldn’t a Winter War post be about the Winter War instead of the overused and overseen not new overknown pacific campagna?

Cool 19 levels remaining.

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7,65 mm Bergmann M/20
6,5 mm Infantry Rifle M/96, Swedish Mauser
6,5 mm machinegun M/14 Schwarzlose
Mauser M/94-14 carbine
Light machine gun Kg m/1921
Kg m/40 automatic rifle

7,62 mm and 7,70 mm Vickers Machineguns
7,92 mm Maxim MG-08
7,62 mm Maxim M/09-21:
7,62 ItKk/31 VKT
7,62 ItKk/31-40 VKT
8,00 ItKk/36
machinegun L-33
7,62 mm and 7,71mm light machineguns M/Lewis

6,55 mm Rifle M/02 Japanese
7,62 mm Rifle M/1895 Winchester
10,67 mm Infantry Rifle M/1870 Berdan (Berdan II) This one is russian but due to its age I highly doubt it was used by soviets.
7,35 mm Rifle M/38

6,55 mm Infantry Rifle and Carbine M/05 Japanese
6,55 mm Infantry Rifle and Carbine M/97 Japanese

7,65 mm Pistol M/23 and 9 mm Pistol M/08 Parabellum
9 mm Pistol L-35 "Lahti
7,63 mm and 9 mm M/96 Mauser “Ukko-Mauser”
7,65 mm Pistol M/19 “Spanish”
7,65 mm Pistols M/1910 FN and M/1910-22 FN ( Continuation war )
9 mm Pistols M/03 FN and M/07 Husqvarna
9 mm Pistol M/35 FN “GP”
7,65 mm Pistols M/15 and M/19 Beretta ( continuation war )
9 mm Pistol M/34
7,65 mm Pistol M/35 Beretta ( continuation war )
9 mm Pistol M/23 CZ (vz.24) ( continuation war )
9 mm Pistol M/39 ( continuation war )
7.65 mm M/1914 Mauser ( found in inventory usage unknown )
7.65 mm M/SAUER modell 14 ( same as above )
7.65 mm Browning M/1900 ( same as above )
7.65 mm Bayard (M/1908)
7.65 mm M/Dreyse (M/1907)
7.65 mm M/Walther 4
7.65 mm M/Beholla
11,5 mm Colt (M1911)

And ofc, theres even more variety if we extend the campaign to continuation war and include some intresting imported guns and prototypes.
Such as
7,65 mm and 9 mm M/Neuhausen MKMS:
9 mm MP 28-II not exactly something new but used during continuation war.
9 mm MP-38 and MP-40 same as above.
7,62 mm general purpose machinegun L-41 “Sampo”
7,92 mm light machinegun FN D:
8 mm light machinegun M/15 Chauchat:
7,5 mm light machinegun M/24-29 Chatellerault

some prototypes
9 mm submachine gun M/42 Suomi
Prototype L-36
Aimo Lahti’s L-39 prototype
Carl Pelo and his automatic rifle prototype
Submachine guns of Carl Pelo
Heavy submachinegun AL-43 prototype this one would be intresting as it uses various intermediate cartridges such as 9x35
7,62 mm light machinegun L-34 “Sampo”
7.62 mm general purpose machinegun MG 42
Il also throw TaPaKo rifle here even theres very little information about it. Build by sako anyway and only 1 made.

so its not like there aint options to fill it.