Why weren't there any British or Canadian squads in the Normandy Campaign levels?

Why didn’t Darkflow add Canadian and British squads to the Normandy campaign? I understand that they had to reference their favorite Western actor, Clint Eastwood, but they played too big a part in D-Day not to be featured. The tech tree had my British weapons that could have been assigned to them if they were added but were given to American squads instead. Why did this happen?


They honestly act like there is no content whatsoever for Britain and Italy to even make up a research tree. There are tons of vehicles that could be added for the British Empire alone.

While I do hope that one day Britain is an independent faction, I can tolerate them being America’s sidekick for now. But I still think they should be treated with more respect and be improved upon and there are many steps to doing that


Normandy was one of the very first campaigns to be released. They probably didn’t want to have issues related to having different nationalities in the same faction at that time. Only British squads were premium/event which meant that you could not mix British and Americans in the same squads. Tunisia (with both Britain and Italy added as part of Allied/Axis came later).


Why didn’t they combine British and American factions into one?

Not to mention between Canada and Britain they fielded more than half of the normandy landing troops.

And the Brits had to take on 5 Axis panzer divisions in their sector, while the USA faced “1”…if memory serves

For whatever reason, people like to associate it with purely USA. Thanks Tom Hanks


As was pointed out, Normandy predated British nationalities/names/uniforms being added to the game. At this point you should just be asking for them to be forked off as their own faction that queues alongside the US the way they already do.

I mean does the pre merge British Normandy para (Vicker mg) count as British squad?

Unless we are talking non premium and event?

Not exactly, although commonwealth covered more beaches, commonwealth forces advanced with little resistance. Compared to Omaha which was met with great resistance. (I learnt this at the Musée de l’armée, huge recommendation) However, that is not to say that USA is the only force of dday. They should have a greater appearance in enlisted.

For D-Day yes, but for the rest of the Normandy Landing, not really. As Mym1don said; the British had to face a much larger part of the German panzers compared to the US. Commonwealth troops acted as the anvil, stalling the german forces, while the US troops could be the hammer, going around the germans during Operation Cobra. This led to the Falaise Pocket.

Well, I was talking about dday, because someone talked about covering half the beaches. There is no doubt that the commonwealth fought as gallantly as their usa counterparts and should be recognized as such.

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For the Canadians squads maybe some British the Canadians were spread some Canadians were us the US army while some in the British and it wouldn’t make a difference because of the weaponry they both have