What to expect from Enlisted developers in the new year

As a user who plays at the highest level of all factions, I will not mention balance for each tier, silver supply and demand issues.
This is because the developers will be clearly aware of this and it will be a problem that is mentioned every time a new one is added.

So what I want to focus on today is Premium Squad, Event Squad and etc.

First of all, there is no room for the premium&event squad, even for me, who uses 10 slots.
To understand the problem, the number of people in premium squad is too small.
And compared to regular squads, there are fewer special units.

This is a common opinion among users who play at the highest tier.

The solution is to allow them to be configured like regular squads.
However, because the number of people in each premium&event squad is different,
Realistically speaking, I think it would be best to allow the weapons of the premium&event squad to be used in regular squads as well. Just like a battle pass weapon.
The same goes for the equipment squad. Some premium plane squad soldiers do not have the Perk at the end.
If you’re not going to modify the soldier’s stats, you’ll need to make some changes, such as allowing the use of premium vehicles in regular squads.
Of course, if premium weapons and vehicles can be used in a regular squad, I think the bonus experience can be excluded.

Considering the price of premium squads, this is definitely something to think about.
The things I mentioned are the reasons why users around me are reluctant to purchase premium squads.

What I would like to mention this time is the reprint of event squads and equipment, as well as discontinued battle pass weapons and equipment.

I think some event squads are really essential. As everyone will agree, the Airborne Squad is really key. These are the factors that really widen the gap with new players.

And the weapons and equipment from the battle pass that disappeared before merge are currently being used a lot.

Just as discontinued premium squads are periodically resold, event squads and discontinued battle pass items need to be reprinted.
I’m sure the developers are also thinking about this.

Another thing I wish for is the basic auto mode selection function for the FG series and AVS.

For over two years, changing fire modes during squad creation has been a complete waste of time.

Current event, which resets every two days, is the worst since I started playing Enlisted.
I never want to see an event like this again.

I would appreciate it if you could let me score 5,000 or 20,000 points in a row.

Unlike War Thunder, Enlisted has many strategic factors to consider when selecting a squad or vehicle.

Request more slots for expansion. I think 10 isn’t enough.

Thank you for reading this long article.
I’d also like to see what you think of Enlisted.

Please leave a comment!


I think when DF adds things they should actually test everything before they just add it because right now with how everything works if one side just working together you can just dominate that match and Game becomes unstable when people start working together


F2P players have 4
So adding lets say 2 grindable slots would be nice.


Not just the premium squads but if they are sticking with the BR and tier system, then they need to focus on changing their Queues and a fraction of the weapon BR’s.

Rather one of the two queue systems

Queue 1: 1-2, just early and mid war maps like Moscow, Tunisia, Stalingrad,and the pacific

Queue 2:3-4, mix of early and late war maps, preferred maps system decides depending on if you have a late war weapon/vehicle. So if you have a panther or panzerfaust, then you’re going to Normandy and Berlin. And preferred maps will widen the range of battles if/when they add more campaigns like dneiper-carpathian offensive, Kursk, narva and Leningrad.

Queue 3:5 just late war maps and requires for you to at least have 1 tier 5 gun/vehicle.

Or queue system 2

1-2,2-3: just early war

3-4: same as the first queue system with preferred maps and same map rotation

4-5: same map rotation as the final queue on the first queue system.

Weapon br changes

Soviets: ppSh, ppd, and federov being at tier 4, but nerf the federov’s rpm to 450/500, and the avs at tier 4.

Germans: mkb, kiraly, and mp717 and tiger 1 down to tier 4, id say reduce gun smoke and slightly reduce vertical recoil for the kiraly.

US: if I had to, then I guess browning m1919 to tier 4 and that’s it.

Japan: nothing since they had the least effect from the merge.


What to expect from Enlisted in 2024

  • Maybe addressing issues that have plagued the game since the start of OBT

  • New obscure content people didn’t ask for

  • Introducing content people have been asking for years, after the damage has been done by the thing they were intended be used to counter.

  • Obligatory April Fools’ Event

  • Maybe sales on obscure dates no one expected nor remembers by memory

  • Maybe Communications UI update for lobby and in-game chatting. (Bleak)

  • Maybe BR changes

  • Deteriorating Helper/Community Manager mental health


Sell 2 slots for silver, most reasonable considering how expensive silver is.


Yeah, death stacks of people spamming FP5s and P47s isn’t very fun to fight against

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Oh no, you have to hold a button down for a fraction of a second, the humanity!

Can confirm. Was owning nerds yesterday with my buddy. We only lost I think 2 maybe 3 of the several matches we did last night with BR III US with a mix of Normandy, Hurtgen Forest/Dominant Heights, and Pacific

It really isn’t that hard to win when you have at least 2-3 competent players

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The whole point of the Merge was to unify the player base. Why should we refracture it by splitting the queues?

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  • Bonus for playing random faction
  • Being able to choose campaign in some way, I want to play Tunisia with axis and I can’t.
  • Many more maps. (Pacific city map, maybe Manila)
  • A new independent BR with cold war weaponry
  • Boats?
  • More tech tree from minor factions (Italy or UK)
  • Events with War Thunder
  • TNT only for AT or Engineer squads.
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Just use BR I-II and hope for the best. Sometimes you get Moscow, sometimes you get Tunisia. Adding a way to choose campaigns defeats the entire purpose of the Merge

You probably haven’t played much the last few weeks. Normandy and Bulge are now also part of the BR1-3 rotation.

So as a BR2 Axis players you can get a match in:

Which means you have roughly a 20% chance to get Tunisia.

“Just hope for the best” is a garbage advice when you get disappointed in 8 times out of 10.

Since when was Normandy and Bulge unlocked? Never saw that in any of the patchnotes

Look up the last “Making Enlisted a better place”
It should be in the changelog there.

Ah I see it. Weird. Welp, guess Kar98k’s back on the menu boys!

We are hopefully getting at least 1 more slot for premium squads added, bumping the max to 11.

Otherwise, I agree, most non-Para premium squads should have a trooper numbers increase minimum (+1-2 specialist), or maybe a silver currency buff to account for their smaller combat efficiency.

Dont know enough about the rest.

Because the current queue system is not working as it takes away any purpose in using tier 3 and 4 guns as you have the chance to get thrown into a tier 5 game and people just want tier 1 away from 3 and 3 away from 5. And tier 4 is no use as tier 4 is certain to fight tier 5 anyway. Mind you, people on the forums are also complaining about not getting the maps they want and getting the same campaign/maps over and over again. And I actually agree with them.

I think there is potential issues with detaching the weapons from the premium squad troopers - Some of them have weapons not usually available to their class, such as engineers with assault rifles. There would have to be some thought put into how this affects balance overall, and whether to allow it.

On the other hand, I do agree that many premium squads are plainly not worth using, because the lack of soldiers per squad makes them non-competitive.

Perhaps the ability to detach 1 soldier from each premium squad, including equipment, to use in other squads, could be an option. This way the equipment would remain locked to the premium troopers, but mass fielding them would be impossible - Could give them a more “collectible” feel that you can still use, similar to gold order weapons, without ruining the standard meta or removing reason to use regular squads.

Just unnerf semi auto’s and BR III can run BR V perfectly fine. SMG’s can compete and MG’s just take playstyle changes. Heck I think I prefer a BAR over an M1919A6 in some circumstances anyways. And bolt actions can face against semi autos easily enough. Heck some people may prefer them even due to their 1 shot guarantee vs semi auto 2-3

I’d probably take an M1903 over an M1 Carbine any day. Partly cause the M1 Carbine has the same TTK as a pistol, but also the range difference and the efficiency difference. I am more precise with the M1903 than I am with the Garand. I’ll take your head off from far longer distances

All of this to say BR I isn’t useless against BR III, and given some basic skill which by BR III you should have, BR III can compete with BR V. The only time these statements are false are when your teammates suck and can’t kill anyone, so you’re left fighting the entire enemy team from all directions at once. Point and case, second objective on D-Day

Besides, the way it was envisioned, it was supposed to be mainly I’s and II’s with some III’s to supplement. With high tier being mainly IV’s and V’s with some III’s to supplement. III being evenly split between the two. Some matches you have fun seal clubbing, some matches you may or may not sweat your balls off. Balance. As is though, with the entire playerbase stacking Germany, all III’s end up in IV-V lobbies because there is no one playing IV-V Allies because “muh balance” or whatever