What to expect from Enlisted developers in the new year

I’m on the same page as you are. Hell when I’m with friends, I just bring my tier 2 bolties into tier 5 lobbies to stomp on max levels. However me and my friends like to see snowier Soviet maps get ppSh and avs action and start fighting higher level Soviet teams. And it being reasonable instead of as-44 and fg 42 with king tigers in Stalingrad.

They were trying to do us that favor with the Preferred Map System
But then the entire playerbase crapped the bed and demanded the devs turn the game into War Thunder: Infantry Edition
Now here we are, with the playerbase whining and complaining about the system they asked for

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At this point this is how I feel at BR5 and the only thing I could wish for is that there was more fire and more destruction instead of just going halfway.



I’m sure you do, local crazy man. Lol

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I know game changing stuff and all I want for the Germans is an MG with more ammo and no dispersion in the Americans have proper iron sights in AA guns not to be nerfed and be brought back to the way they used to be

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