Soviet BR5 needs some new style maps

The Soviet army in BR5 can only match the maps of the Battle of Berlin and the Battle of Stalingrad.
But the map styles of these two battles are too close! They are all urban terrain. To be honest, I am seriously tired of aesthetics now.
The urban terrain is very tiring to fight in. There are hidden enemies and AI firing cold shots everywhere, and there are impact grenades and anti-personnel mines everywhere. Maybe you will find it interesting to play a game occasionally, but every game is really a map of this style. So boring
Besides, I’ve always hated the lighting in Berlin, it’s always gray. The white smoke rising on the ground is very uncomfortable. It’s pitch dark indoors, and there’s smog outside or the sun is blinding you.
This seems to be a problem only in Berlin
Whether it’s the Pacific, Normandy, Tunisia or the Ardennes, the lighting on these maps is very comfortable, even Stalingrad is better.
Only Berlin is very annoying

Maybe we should add some different style maps to Soviet BR5, instead of always staying in the city!


could add moscow maps.
tbh they were my favorite maps anyway.


Kursk, Kharkov and Tannenberg line would be a good br 5 map for the soviets.


I aggree. They just released those ghillie suit squad but the soviet t5s have no maps with foliage to camouflage into.

Some nice open terrain maps would be great for soviets.

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yes, the matchmaking needs to bring generic maps to br5. fortified district could be anywhere in eastern europe, so thats a perfect map for that. maisky forestry, quarry, beloe lake too are quite generic for random polish late war battlefields.

this will improve the game instantly and in the long run we need things like kursk and other open battle areas. due to the berlin/stalingrad overload it doesnt even make much sense atm to create more work intensive city maps. (reichstag should be quite easy to do though).


We need Leningrad, Kursk and also more 1945 maps before assault of Berlin - give us some smaller towns and villages to defend, some trenches, bunkers and forests it would break the monotony we don’t really need to have all of them to be fully historical just like with most Moscow maps, you could also add Siege of Breslau.


Nobody mentioned bagration


MAPS MAPS is what should give LIFE to this game
not weapons from the future.

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100% currently Soviet map lineup br3-5 is all dense urban terrain that does not represent 95% of central/eastern europe in WW2.

  • at minimum please give some generic maps as ParaDivision mentioned, Moscow maps should be br 1-5.
  • sincerely hoping for a Manchuria map selection that allows for matchmaking with Japan, to diversify the opponents for both these nations.

I made a suggestion regarding the change of some weapon BR’s, queue changes, adding preferred maps and new battle/campaigns to add in.

  1. Add some sea for Soveits: Battle for Pillau and Frische-Nehrung landnig (East Prussia, april 1945)
  2. Add some mountains: East Carpathian operation (autumn 1944)
  3. Add new enemy: Manchjurian operation against Japan, Souht-Sakhalin operation with landing on Sakhalin island (august 1945)

Man i really miss the Moscow maps. That was all the game had for awhile.

What if they just sat down and updated the Stalingrad map as a whole?

A way for breaching into the ground floor as well as proving there was a ground floor:

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Windows leading to the ground floor, proving that not adding a ground floor was a mistake:

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Long concrete lanes for offloading cargo from freight cars:

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The Baramely Fountain is way too close to the Central Station:

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All the buildings that are or should be in the Central Station map in Enlisted:

A sewer entry via an arty crater, thus proving no reason why the sewer system shouldn’t be in-game:

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This is a picture of all the buildings beside the Central Train Station. I have circled the most important buildings, some on the Enlisted map (check marks) and some not (question marks).

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This is a picture of the Central Train Station map in Enlisted, along with the buildings on its side. According to the image from the actual battle, it appears that the ginormous “X” building, Firestation (should be right on the corner of the 4-way intersection), a two-story brick building, and an entire street is missing.

Not to mention that the scale of the central train station is abnormally small for a supposedly large building. It could be because there is not enough map space, so they leave out any building that takes up too much storage and any important buildings they include; they go into Goodwill mode. If it is so, then the best option would be this:

  • Make four copies of the entire Central Stalingrad Map
  • Assign a team or one person to each copy of the map
  • Each team or person will work on one of the sections (Communist Street, Gogol Street, Univermag, and Central Station)
  • Each team or person will update the current buildings (scaling, architecture, placement in the map according to historical photos, sewer entrances/breaches, ground level floors, etc.), add in buildings left out in the previous version of the Central Stalingrad map, implement the sewer systems that both teams can enter and use, and add mounds of rubble at places that should have them (the pictures will help you)
  • After each team or person has completed the revision of the section they were assigned and have double-checked it, then all that is left is the AI trail

It should not go exactly like this, and it probably won’t if it ever did, but it should be something similar to what I listed. When Central Stalingrad is updated and revised, it will be as if it was brand new. There won’t be a need for another map due to all of Central Stalingrad getting a revision. But if people really want a new map for the Eastern Front, give them Dominant Height and call it Mamyev Kurgan since it looks nothing like Hurtgen Forest.

If there will be any more updating and revising maps after Stalingrad, then focus on easy things that all in all require copying and pasting foliage (trees, bushes, etc.), putting down trenches or copying and pasting them, digging occasional fox holes, and changing land elevation first. The Pacific is a great place to start (Guadalcanal- Edson’s Ridge, Tenaru River, Henderson Field).