BR weapon & Vehicle adjustments

I don’t mind it tbh, it’s definitely harder for some factions (looking at you USA) but BR 3 Germans are a lot of fun and can hold their own against BR 4/5 allies.

Yes but there are currently no powerful tank destroyers to compete against top BR tanks. I’m talking about the current ones we have. Most German TDs are way too high and are basically worse than panzers because they have the same 75mm cannon. Hence why I said move the StuGs to BR 2 and the Jagdpanzer & panzer IV/70 to BR 3. Same as the M10. The 76mm on the M10 would be great in BR 3 even though the M10 is terrible. SU 85 the same too. Most TDs have poor mobility yes but decent front armour.

But it creates imbalance. If you are playing t5 against really sweaty enemies you dont want to have t3 people in your team. The t3 players are also creating huge imbalance in low br

Slight imbalance yes but I’d argue that it’s not a massive imbalance. That’s why I suggested above that some early BR 3 semi autos & tanks be moved down to BR 2.

Well most semi autos are worthless im BR4 - while most BR5 select fires are obsolete because there exist later unlocks.

AVS36 and MKB being worthy of getting put into BR4? Maybe, but more semi autos in BR2 doesn’t sound too bad - if of course 95% of bolt actions stay in BR1 of course.

Heck there already are some bolt actions in BR3 which doesn’t make sense.

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I assume you don’t play airplanes a lot:

Whoever gets the jump on the other just wins. Be it for lucky positioning or because you get a mark on the enemy plane sooner. Higher BR planes don’t really do better if they’re the target in these situations, and even against ground targets there’s lower BR planes (e.g. PE-2-31) that simply have more of the same bomb than the higher-BR competitor (A-20 Mk 3).

If plane survivability played any role, I’d see a measure by which to sort them into BRs. But as it stands, they’re just lined up to give you a sense of progression.

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In general I prefer BRs to be relatively historical. I know it’s not perfect (and perhaps one day it may warrant its own historical mode or overhaul) and I’ve been willing to make some exceptions but at the moment the game more or less maintains the atmosphere. Yes there are a few mishaps here or there but I would say maybe it’s 75% immersive.

For example, most late war things are BR 5, early war 2.

In your list I disagree with anything that is a blatant time traveling incident. For example, the Luftfaust (1945 prototype) being in BR 3 would mean it could be in Moscow and Stalingrad.


I use the IL-2 (1941) which is just a BR2 in any setup for the Soviets. 8 rockets combined with 4 50kg bombs are quite lethal for any tank in the game. The only flaw is the lack of the rear machine gun.

I play planes quite a bit but I’m generally happy with most of their positions minus a couple. I definitely think the Bf 109 G6 needs to be in BR 3. I’m interested in hearing what you would change with planes if you’re willing to elaborate?

I agree with you there and I also prefer historical accuracy. The reason I put the Luftfaust in BR 3 is because it rarely gets used in BR 5 because you kind of have to take an AT weapon to deal with the high amount of tanks. Where if it was in BR 3 people could use it against BR 2 planes which are slower and against lesser armoured BR 2/3 tanks. It would be more viable and effective in BR 3.

I made a post similar to this however regarding small arms and tanks as well as queue changes.

Firstly, I would say this needs to be broken down into multiple patches to see how it shifts before going on to the next, probably best by weapon type (ie SMG, Semi Auto Rifles, Sniper Rifles, etc).

At current: The ONLY two factions where BR IV matters is Japan and US. So any change between IV and V and vice versa on Soviet and Germany trees are irrelevant until we get an additional matchmaking group. The same is said for BR I and II and vice Versa.

Generally speaking for small arms we see:

BR I & II :

  • Bolt Actions and Shotguns
  • Stripper Clip Semis
  • “Thumper SMG’s” / High RoF SMG’s with limited ammo capacity
  • Low RoF Machine Guns
  • AT Rifles


  • Introduce Magazine Semi Autos
  • Higher Quality SMGs such as the PPSH41, MP40, and some Thompson models
  • Box Magazine SMG with higher RoF / controllability / movement penalty


  • Introduce High capacity SMGs
  • Introduce Auto / Select Fire Rifles
  • Belt Fed LMGs
  • Introduce Assault Rifles

I think this is a good balance that should be kept with limited exceptions.

A lot of these seem to get away from that generality just to see them used more, however in doing so, will make other weapons just not used instead.

I disagree because:

  • Most of what you proposed is to reduce br of stuff… But in doing so, in such a wide manner, would make br irrelevant. It was created to “protect new players”…

Those br would make current br 1-3 almost the same as pre war thunder patch Moscow campaign.

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Does the OVP also have 0.25 dispersion?

Germans have MP28 with superior 20 mag so they should be fine against drums.

I give him credits that he doesn’t discriminate like a main at least. Every faction has their stuff lowered, mostly.

But seriously. Things like Churchill at br2?

P47, tier 3??? (That’s the most ridiculous)

At this point it would be more sane to ask for the removal of battle ratings, as there would be no point to it.

Issue is BR3 sucks against BR5 mostly.
Solution is to make either BR3 or BR1 sole queue and merge the remaining two, but we need to wait until DF collected their data.

That P47 is the event one with M8 rockets which is significantly worse than the BR 5 variant.

How does it make BR irrelevant? My suggestions are to put some weapons at the start of BR 3 into the end of BR 2 so that BR 2 players can compete better with BR 3. Same as some weapons from BR 4 into BR 3.

BR 4 is basically just a stepping stone for Germany and the Soviets, that’s why I said to move double up weapons like the Federov, PPD40 & MKb. Those weapons will get replaced fast at BR 5. I do agree that BR 4 in those countries are irrelevant though.