BR weapon & Vehicle adjustments


PPD 34/38 - BR 3 from 4
DPM - BR 3 from 4
PPD 40 & DSZ - BR 4 from 5
SVT 40 & sniper - BR 3 from 4
SVT 38 & sniper - BR 2 from 3
PPSH-41 (box) - BR 2 from 3
AVS 36 & sniper - BR 4 from 5
Federov Avtomat & MG - BR 4 from 5
P-40E-1 - BR 3 from 2
SU-85M - BR 3 from 5
Thompson M21/28 (box mag) BR 3 from 4


ZH-29 - BR 3 from 4
MKb-42 (H)/(W) & sniper - BR 4 from 5
Gewehr 43 & sniper - BR 3 from 4
Gewehr 41/41 (M) & sniper - BR 2 from 3
VG 1-5 - BR 4 from 3
Gerät 03 - BR 4 from 5
Dicker Max - BR 3 from 4
Jagdpanzer IV - BR 3 from 4
Pz.IV H - BR 3 from 4 foldered in with the J
StuG III F & G - BR 2 from 3
Bf 109 G-6 - BR 3 from 4
Me 410 B-1 - BR 4 from 5 foldered with the A1/U2
Bf 110 C-7 - BR 2 from 3
Fiat G.55 - BR 3 from 4
Kbsp wz.38M BR 2 from 3
VMP 1926 - BR 3 from 4
ZB-26 - BR 2 from 3
ERMA EMP 44 - BR 3 from 4
Luftfaust B - BR 3 from 5
OG-43 - BR 2 from 4
Erma EMP 36 - BR 2 from 3


SMLE Mk III - BR 2 from 3
M1 Garand with grenade launcher - BR 3 from 4
Johnson M1941 - BR 3 from 4
M1C Garand - BR 3 from 5 foldered with sniper M1
Browning M1918A2 - BR 4 from 3
Sherman II/M4A1 - BR 2 from 3
M10 GMC - BR 3 from 4
P-38E - BR 2 from 3
M1A1 Thompson - BR 2 from 3
Thompson M21/28 (box mag) - BR 3 from 4
M24 - BR 2 from 3
Churchill III - BR 2 from 3
M1928A1 Thompson with drum mag - BR 4 from 5
Winchester G30M - BR 2 from 3
Boomerang - BR 2 from 3
Thompson .30 cal SMG - BR 2 from 3
Flamethrower portable No.2 Mk 1 - BR 4 from 5
P-47D-22-RE - BR 3 from 5
Sherman IC firefly - BR 4 from 5


Type 96 LMG - BR 2 from 3
A6M3 with drop tank - BR 2 from 3
Hi-Ni III - BR 2 from 3 foldered with Ho-Ni I
Ki-61-I Hei - BR 3 from 4

If anyone has any disagreements feel free to write what you disagree with and I’ll justify why I think they belong there.

Unfortunately the BR3 currently cannot vary too much because it often finds itself playing against the BR2 and BR1. Some tanks you proposed would upset games in BR1-2-3 because they are too powerful and difficult to counter, as is the G43 etc. Your reasoning would be perfect if only BR3-BR4 and BR2-BR3 existed, but currently it would give a major advantage to BR in low-BR games


Which tanks were you referring to? I feel like tank destroyers need to be in lower BRs to make them more viable.

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Jokes on you, you can’t be serious.


Yes I’m serious. Moving these down will make them more viable. When was the last time you saw a PPD34/38 in game? Why would anyone pick a SVT 40 over an AVT 40 or an AVS 36? If we move them down to BR 3 they will be used more. If we move some of the first BR 3 semi autos to the end of BR 2, people in BR 2 can complete against BR 3 players.

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You are “balancing” things based on simple fact that only BRs 2, 3 and 5 are somewhat viable.

I think they should increase numbers of queues rather than implement such horrific changes.


Im fine with svt 40. It is the same as svt 38 but ppd 34 drum is way too much. If you have ever played old moscow you know. Ppsh 41 stick is also way too good for br 2

Those are some garbage changes, Soviet bias to the max. Svt-40 and 38 are really good semi auto rifles and are way too strong at BR2/3 what counter do you present to the Axis? Nothing besides mediocre ZH-29. PPSh-41 box is better than any Axis smg till BR5 and you want it at BR2??? PPS-43 is more than fine you trade additional rof at close range for less accuracy at range, so it’s balanced when it comes to fighting mp40 which is excellent at mid ranges but only mediocre at close ranges. Fedorovs are too strong even at BR5 and you want it at BR4?

those are good changes they were overtiered at too high of BR especially FIrefly,VMP1926 (while Suomi was at BR3 even if it has better stats), OG-43 and Flamethrowers

Yes but I’m going off the current system. I’m moving things around so that BR 2s have a better chance against BR 3s and BR 3s have a better chance against BR 4/5s.

we need BR6 already it would offload a lot of weapon and vehicles and BR1-2, BR3-4 could get some breather with now BR5 vs BR6. They will probably want to use BR±1 so BR3 would fight against only BR2 and 4.

That’s why I suggested to move the ZH to BR 3, the Gewehr 43 to BR 3 and the Gewehr 41 to BR 2 if I was to move the SVT 38 to BR 2 and 40 to 3.

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Federov I chose to move to BR 4 because it’s normally replaced by the AS 44 literally right after you unlock it. So I suggested to move it behind the PPSH to BR 4 next to the PPD40 which would also be in BR 4.

Honestly I find that the PPD34/38 to be harder to control and not that great imo.

It is statistically better than any german t3 smg

Not really. What the Germans lack in rate of fire, they make up for in accuracy. The ZK-383 and MP 35/I are great BR 3 weapons. It would also get out played by German BR 4 & 5 weapons. It’s a mid weapon that deserves to be in mid tier.

Also PPSH stick mag would be fine in BR 2 because of the OVP and Beretta have high fire rates too.

You cannot compare those. Beretta and ovp have shit sights, cant hit anything past 10 meters, only 25 rounds and slow reload while the ppsh 41 box is accurate, has bigger mag, has better firerate, and has faster reload. m1918 and ppd 34 box are more similar

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Enlisted maps are so cramped that 71 round drum mag and big fire rate are more important than better recoil and accuracy


You can’t compare OVP which is mediocre with the PPSH42 which in good hands becomes unstoppable… regarding tanks, tank destroyers are fine where they are, in BR1-2-3 it would mean that BR3 would have a huge advantage. BRs are designed to make the game playable for BR1-2 and 4-5. BR3 is intended as a “gateway” so it shouldn’t be too OP for low BR battles nor frustrating for high BR battles. Just as you thought of them, they would instead become the middle ground chosen by everyone and it wouldn’t make sense. When we have BR1-2, BR 3-4 and BR5-6 your discussion can be redone, but for now we are there as a balance.

There is always going to be a slight imbalance but not enough to break the game. just like how the US have trouble competing against the StGs at later BRs because they only have Thompsons. MP40 is a great weapon for BR 2 and can compete against anything BR 3 and the PPSH stick.

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