Weapons and vehicles of the next update

If you want more datails here check this web page it contains all bombs and rockets of every nation in ww2 Japan

ok so im wrong it not RBS it call RS rocket but idk how advance they are compare to US rocket

The M1 bazooka is BR2 for both. The M9 bazooka is BR3


Nope! I’m a BAR guy

Whoever’s working at DF please Read this bloody post and work on it

Darkflow’s Holy Grail - Suggestions - Enlisted

You keep giving us more vehicles so the least you can do is actually make functioning maps


And don’t forget to do this one as well

The actual Hurtgen Forest, not Hurtgen “Forest” - Mess Room - Enlisted


Pretty sure you’re blacklisted from DF ever seeing your stuff


and flame tank since those are niche and it would lead to german getting the hetzer (cause there is a hetzer flame version)


Sherman flame tank when? Lol


Ok, but tier V SHOULD be removed from Stalingrad. Or, alternatively, all 5 tiers should be allowed to any map.
For some reason, Moscow and Tunisia are available to squads with early war weapons, Berlin and Normandy to squads with late war weapons, and for the same reason, Stalingrad should be available only for the tiers from Moscow and Tunisia, that is - tiers I-III.


Why not suggest maps I would like to actually see new maps for eastern front and then move Stalingrad down in BR I would like to see Talinin offensive and we could see Germans and soviets fighting over Talinin


:point_up: :+1:


That’s great even Tiger 2 will be not that scary anymore with APCR and APCBC could be used against lighter tanks/apc/uc, HE usual vs infantry, radius of the smoke will be probably larger than the usual 75/76mm.

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We should get Leningrad maps it would have similar feel of the Moscow mixed with Berlin and Stalingrad at the same time variety on those maps could be great. Other maps would be the Siege of Breslau and expansion of Berlin maps with U-Bahn, actual Reichstag and Berlin Tempelhof Airport. In future we should get some more Invasion of France maps with French faction and Invasion of Poland as BR1-2 maps (just give us few Polish event squads, tanks and weapons for the Allied factions).


Make a suggestion bout it

T-34 flamer version when? https://youtu.be/ELg2yZ6Klzs


Technically more of a double 50rd mg

Fix it for you and I hate you for making this abomination possibly come true

Ok, now i’m perfectly happy

Bring the update. i’ve waited so long…



I talking less about the overall balance but more about specific balance choices. Sure, the U. S. can spam rockets all day long to the point that nobody is going to play against the allies, like what is happening now for German top tier, but this is not the issue that I am talking about.

This update simply doesn’t feel right. Of course, enlisted is not historical. Fg422 wasn’t carried by every German soldier and avt40 was an absolute joke in history. Enlisted has been doing asymmetric balance for quite some time now and allies, Germany, and Soviet all have clear pros and cons. Even if the dev is going to add super Pershing next update, it still won’t fundamentally change the armour balance since tiger 2h is still better. However, Japan will get the strongest automatic rifles (I sincerely hope I am wrong but most gun in enlisted doesn’t have much recoil since the balance patches last year) and the strongest tank. How does this make any sense? Out of all the options to balance Japan, the dev simply chose the most irresponsible solution by adding magical and fake weapons.

Call me double standard if you want, but I would rather choose busted fg42 avt40 m2cabine over Japanese fantasy weapons every single time.