Weapons and vehicles of the next update

TRY ME! I’d like to see that thing try to withstand the superior American war machine! Lol

I think Im gonna go and do another weapon suggestion as seeing prototype stuff gave me energy


The Japanese are screwed because of the map design there’s no cover and especially when people start spamming rockets


Exactly. Lol

well, true.

but even if enlisted did not had fake stuff back then, still wasn’t historical to begin with.

it will be interesting to see.

but… i’m not sure that’s gonna be the case.

even if we just seen in this thread new toys, it’s gonna be a while before someone will be able to get their hands on them.

and on these tools alone, i’m not sure they will be able to overthrow the US playerbase.
since, us still has a larger playerbase than japan.

dunno, we’ll see.

and with DF’s logic they probably still have not fixed the respawn timer at the start of the match for the Americans when they fight the Japanese So Plane spamming all the way

Its sad that devs didn’t give Japan rockets I mean they have planes that can carry rockets in WT

yea that why we need jap triple aa gun or anything tbh since not that many build aa maybe in 2/10 match someone would build aa

“It can pen” with the grb after how many hits? You need to hit ammo rack and even there it can fail while with the piat you can shot in front of pz3/4 and it os.

How advanced was their rocketry in WWII? I know they had some stuff, but don’t know if they had any plane mounted rockets to use

They don’t need rockets they need actual proper maps instead of half baked ones So no matter where they go they don’t get blown up on every corner

Let Allie’s spam rockets and CAS. One thing Japan has got going for them is their planes ability to turn on a dime. Only US plane that can really do that, somewhat, is the Corsair. So gonna be easy shooting.

some of their aircraft in game have RBS rocket i believe so yea they do know some rocket tech it just less advance than the US one

2-3 on flat surfaces.

the closer you are, the less damage you deal ( at least, from when i used it extensively in stalingrad and tunisa pre merge )

also, aim lower than the reticle. after all, just like the piat, it’s a grenade launcher.

Why is the Bazooka at BR2 for Russia but BR3 for USA?

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I think the only paper gun I know of in game is the Cönder

Been asking for “Battle of Manila” map for over a year. It would be the perfect urban map for good fighting.

Allies and Japanese even fought over a soccer stadium in the city. How cool would that be?


AA gun just a short term fix but we actually need for Japanese or most maps is proper map design and not killing zones


All prototype, some think entered service very late like months before war was done in pacific made a few models mostly air to air and air to surface but air to surface ones are meant to destroy ships so they have quite the HE fillers the only problem with these are they are Big and think only a few planes can get them and not in huge number only 4 or 2

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Doesn’t mean anything when the Americans can start spamming planes at the start of the match while Japanese are just loading in

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