Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Yippee, the T26E1-1 will be the next concept vehicle implemented for everyone.

Quote Wiki War Thunder:
The vehicle found itself sent to Europe for combat trials in March 1945. The soldiers of the 3rd Armored Division received the tank and provided additional protection with add-on armor plates on the turret and hull. Seeing some combat service against the Germans, the tank would serve until the end of the war, when it was scrapped sometime in the post-war period.

Quote from Wikipedia:
On the day of the German surrender, five of the twelve remaining M26 tanks were in field workshops…

Sarcasm on:
Since the historical reference and the timeline of the introduction of equipment obviously no longer seem to play a role.
Here’s my suggestion. To be on the safe side and make the King Tiger a victim for every beginner, I would recommend implementing the M48 Patton. This could then prevent any necessary tactical team play between the combined weapons by design. This means that everyone who is a good team player is guaranteed to be able to hit their opposing King Tiger head-on at a distance!

wood but prototipe even if it wasn’t build it existed the patterns,so…

Thank you for at least showing the plans, this next update looks to be an attempt to expand as well as repair a bit of damage caused by the merge.

Gives some of us faith that other future solutions might happen to fix factions after this update and balance. Even if it takes a while just happy to know that a semi plan is in place to start fixing problems with the merge and expand it at the same time.

As long as these vehicles dont allow spawning to close to the objective and has a fair disadvantage to rally points somehow they should work well.

Thats what it used to be pre merge when i maxed Japan.

Now it’s Japan winning most games pretty easily. I still have 100% win rate on Japan 25 games in.

Mainly because of a lack of allied players on the team or that dont just sit in vehicles.

They’re getting worse and worse, and right now all I have left is hell on Earth

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This has to be a joke right?
First you butcher the US tt, devalue pacific full access owners (btw still waiting for compensation/refund offer am willing to take gold or GJN coin) make a bunch of old prem squads useless and now this joke?

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define ‘‘frontal’’ armor. Turret is 180ish flat on KT2. Should it go thro UFP? nah probs not but turret sure.

Tiger II H turret cheeks are 185 mm. M82 APCBC from 90mm US gun has 185 mm flat pen at 0 m. Good luck when trying to pen turret.

And this is by taking into account the fact that we get the best shell. Pershings will probably come with the T33 solid shot anyway with 173 mm of pen…

If it has APCR it could. But APCR will require many shot to kill the tiger.

Getting the entire feeding mechanism wrong is a big issue imo, yes it won’t bother a casual but thats not really an excuse for something comparable to say making the MG42 magazine fed.

Not an issue as the T26E5 is the Tiger 1 equivalent. The Tiger 2 one is the T26E1-1 also shown in the post has 208mm@100m with base round 221mm@100m with T41 apcbc and 330mm with T44 HVAP.

But neither of that is important since well unless they will shit out the update before new year the game will be dead before those get added.


technically speaking the in game ones are mag fed its just that the ‘‘drum’’ holds a 50 round belt.

Except Maus Exist, so many Germans prototypes…

No, a prototype and a mockup are different things.

USSR have a BR1 SMG with 1200 RPM so it must be fine

well i like the ideas of the trucks, i wll take them with me to pretty much any BR, it will replace my bike squad

i hope you also increase area where they could stay and shoot at enemy spawn without risk of close contact wiith enemy infantry

pershing is counter for tiger1 and super pershing is counter for tiger2


and tiger is counter for pershing and tiger 2 is counter for super pershing

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Since we care so much about balance what is the Maxim-Tokarev counter because the Rd-44 was a counter to the MG 15 so what’s this gun counter ?