It's time for IS-3

It’s what they wanted, when asking for war thunder br without knowing what it meant :stuck_out_tongue:

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You missed the point of the situation. The Germans currently have the largest and most solid player base. The combination of special teams (paratroopers with flamethrowers), good machine guns and assault rifles, impact grenades and combined with the best tank in the game (Tiger 2 H) did not make them better, but made them preferable to nebye players. In other games like HLL players are REQUIRED to alternate between the two factions from time to time. The developers could arrive at this solution or simply entice players to enjoy the USSR thanks to a tank capable of countering the Germans without problems. The game would not be unbalanced simply because just like now the Tiger 2 is destroyed without problems even by the American 76 on its side, but just look at how already in these 2 days the American players have increased in every match thanks to the future arrival of the SuperPershing. In the end, the team with the 10 best players always wins, not the one with the best tank. Enlisted is not WT.


Your suggestion is dead end.
Lets say that USSR gets popular and starts stomping Axis, then what, Add Maus?
Axis start stomping add what, T-90?

It should be clear that this won’t fix anything.
If however, playing a weak faction or weak BR gave 25% extra silver gain, it would be popular.


No,they should be given some better bombers.Or make it easier for explosives to destroy Tiger2.There are many ways to balance, so don’t mention things that shouldn’t exist.

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Someone flag this… oh really?

You are so right.
In my opinion, team play is the key. But most players here want to play a multiplayer game without playing as a team. They prefer to play it as a single player game, with the goal of having the strongest weapon/equipment in their garage in order to continue playing independently of their team.
And that’s exactly what I think is a shame, because it’s precisely the marking of enemies, the building of spawn points, and the interaction of the combined weapons that makes the game.
The Tiger II (H) is simply a casualty in every battle in urban areas (Berlin) because if it is run around it is de facto dead.
And on open maps (Normandy) an easy one for the air force.
I also don’t understand why people care so much about having a tank duel when you can easily take tanks out of the game in a variety of ways. With team play…

I posted this some days ago in an another Thread.
Weapons and vehicles of the next update - News - Enlisted


E-50 , E-75 , Panzer VII Löwe yes

Any further implementation of concept vehicles, vehicles that only exist on paper, or post-war vehicles will inevitably destroy the game completely and lose any regular players who are looking for the historical reference.

Before taking this step, the manufacturer should analyze its target group again.
Are they those players who are looking for the small details and the historical reference? So those who like to leave a euro or two in the premium shop. Because they want to play the game longer.
Or those who jump back and forth between CallofDuty, Battlefield, etc. every year just because it’s hyped?

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Perhaps one should take into account the aspect of the troop superiority of the respective party on the respective campaign, and simply add one or two more players to the team for the allies, who are apparently so technically inferior. And to dissolve the madness of technological equality.

Where it’s simply more about quantity than quality…

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why put this in if it never even saw action in WW2… The best place this could only be put in is if they introduce Cold War maps then it would make sense to put it in, otherwise, this wouldn’t be accurate to the current map timeline.

excuse the shitty internet, video was recorded when i didn’t have the speedy internet yet

People can’t handle truth.

Better bombers? I think you can kill easily every tank with an 500lbs, or 250kg bomb

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They even have access to 1000lb bombs now but its convienent to no bringing it up for them.
Atleast for western allies.

But they don’t fly as fast as FW190 or BF110.The speed of Soviet bombers is a problem.

Because they are flying bricks that can soak up a good deal of beating.

eer it’s just a single 1000 pounder on a dauntless at the same level as the german 500 kilo (1000 pound is roughly 500 kilo)

Execept you get 2 very much buffed 50 kg bombs ontop of it and actual weaponry to defend against planes.

Having access access to 500kg bomb is how the USSR players justified germany only getting the J1 (even befor it was buffed) when they got the T34 in moscow and they called it balanced because of that.

and if my memory still serves me right germans continued to complain about the t-34 anyways

Oh guys, are you serious? What’s that supposed to be? Complain or cry? This “I’m always at a disadvantage” “I need better equipment” scam is really annoying and completely ruins the rest of the game that you haven’t destroyed with it.

Here you play a World War II shooter in which each faction had its own advantages and disadvantages based on its historical background and the respective battlefields.
The vehicles and weapon systems are tried to reflect as much as possible the realities, performance indicators and areas of operation at the time.

This means that every player inevitably has to deal with their advantages and disadvantages in order to use their strengths as profitably as possible for the team.

If you don’t want that, or you want to play a game where everyone wants their equipment to behave the same way, you’re simply wrong in this scenario. You’re probably better off with Star Wars Battlefront, or PUBG.

Don’t forget, in reality the Allies won each of these campaigns on the battlefield with this equipment. So, using the right tactics, it seems that the equipment wasn’t as bad as it is portrayed here. And test vehicles in small series, or vehicles that only existed on paper, were not decisive in the war in the end.
They won’t be in the game either, but they ruin the game, don’t solve your problems and only create new and bigger ones in the end.

Simple proverb: “You can put a tailcoat on a goat, but the goat will remain a goat and will not become a penguin”


You’re forgetting that in 1945 the Germans didn’t even have the petrol to start the Tiger 2s and that for every German tank there were actually 4 American tanks in the war (and I have no idea how many Soviet tanks there were). Not to mention the planes. Enlisted is a video game, not a simulation, otherwise only one Tiger would spawn per game. It’s not a question of winning or losing, but of inviting players to play a faction that is snubbed because it has uninteresting armaments. As mentioned, the Tiger 2 also explodes with TNT or with an 85 or 76 shot on the side.

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