It's time for IS-3

With the imminent arrival of the Pershing and Superpershing among the American ranks, I would say that the time is ripe for the IS-3 and perhaps even the IS-6 in a premium version. I had already suggested the Pershing in a previous post, but for the Soviets my idea was always that of the ISU-152 and the IL-10 improved with rockets and bombs, but currently given the abuse of the Tiger 2H, I think that the IS-3 is the only thing that can bring balance to BR5 battles.


Yeah no…lol

Thats just escalating. When super pershing hits Its only just balanced out.

First they need to focus on br rating improvements and the possibility of a 3rd MM queue


Only thing I’d disagree with in any way is Soviet and German infantry equipment not being more or less equal
It is completely on point otherewise

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Not massive differency but due to hidden stats pretty much every sovjet equipment has less
dispersion & recoil.


And they contend with German assault rifles and MP/Beretta that have absolutely none
Its fair as its going to get
you can argue machine guns till the cows come home though since that’s up to preference other than shit like the MG-15 lol

Soviets can certainly slug it out better than Yanks pound for pound for now though

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well STG44 & AS44 are technically copy of each other and tbh il leave it out due to fact that havent really seen recent hidden stats of them, both could very well be slightly better than the other.

AVT40? What ever it was, has less dispersion & recoil than fg42 OR had since again hidden stats

What comes to smg’s id say kiraly is the only one comparable to Ppsh41 / other late smgs.

Since the beretta & others lack the rof & capacity, yes they still do the job but if I recall ppsh has by far best stats dispersion & recoil.
And regardless of kiralys rather notable recoil, the rof & dmg still does quite a massive differency.

Could say the smg’s are indeed the one and only weapon category where sovjets definitely outshines the opponents.

tbh havent tried much of sovjet lmg’s other than dp28 & what ive found from ground.
But regardless of faction due to lmg’s being broken ~2yrs now ?
I dont really see them as worth of anything.
Might as well say germans got best lmg’s due to rof, but theyr still quite useless and overshadowed by far more agile & efficient weapons such as stg’s / FG’s.

Least they could do would be introducing optional ~100 ? 200 ? rounds belt.
Highly doubt it would magically turn LMG’s to OP but would definitely give them much needed more sustained fire time.

If anyone, yanks & japs require proper tanks.
Regardless of faction or BR there definitely should not be situations when 2 “equal” BR tanks meet that they dont have equal chances to fight each other.

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Battle rating is unbalanced, it’s unequal, stat wise, between factions (which makes br pointless)

Taking Soviet faction as basis:

  • axis Germany smgs are too high br and should be lowered to be on equal footing.
  • USA tanks are too high br and should be lowered too.
  • Japan seems fine… but maybe their smgs are a bit too powerful and br should be… higher? It’s complicated because they lack stuff.

Right now, Battle rating is ridiculous.


You cant be serious.

Garbage tank, long reload and max 90mm of front armor.

The only things I see left to add as tanks for the USSR is low tier ones and at high BR the T-44.

The Tu-2 and Yak-9B are still missing, as well as the PTABs for the ilyushins.

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Japan is joke, it is definitely not fine. The only reason why it seems so is because it has potent playerbase.

For example, best tank for Japanese atm, chi-nu, is BR4 and it is obsolete to basically any BR4 US tank. It is paper, it has pene similar to crusader/pz III J1, and it isn’t exceptionally fast neither.


Could just lock the BR 1-2 entirely and lower some potent equipment to BR3 / 4.

Took a while but pershings announced, should even the high tier.
And perhaps they could finally do something about the broken suicide plane thing.

Got to admit that I havent even touched pacific, no idea about the infantry weapons but the tanks due to jumbo seems bit unfair currently.

It indeed is, but atleast it attempts to find equal BR’s.
Which itself is rather broken.
A p2w ( bun intended ) player with quadrubble planes, tanks, assault squads is BR 5 obviously.
A poor BR3 at best player with 1 BR5 equipment is BR5.

Lol Japan seems fine? Many of their tank have br that is too high. I am yet to see tank that really deserve BR4 like Chi To or Chi Ri.

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Yeah it’s why I said it’s complicated, they lack stuff.

Their smgs are clearly powerful and probably lower br than they should… but it’s all they have, really.
So I’m just not sure for Japan.

What I’m certain about, is that to be constant about br:

  • axis Germany smgs must be lower br
  • USA tanks must also be lower br.

Especially now they supposedly normalized reinforcements tickets.

Yeah, but the thing is they unnecessary added two recent ones - both BR4 - the fake Thompson and type2.
Every other smgs are BR3 or less.
And rather than adding more BR3 stuff, they wanted to rush this tech tree.

Truly problematic stuff was second flamer and few planes.
Because second flamer is always BR4 using their current system.


Oh, another really, really absurd thing:

Paratroopers should have a br corresponding to ALL the weapons they use…

So, rd44? Faust 100? No business at br 2. Fling that to br 5.

Seriously, a p2w squad that bypass the rules… df should know better than let stupid situations like this be.


Tbh, I was thankful for this crate nonsense when I encountered bug which send me straight against BR5 with BR2 line up.

This merge update was just so unpolished. But to be fair, which update wasn’t?


It literally means nothing

That’s….how Battle Ratings work

You don’t add a 6.7 tank to your 5.7 lineup and get 5.7 games in War Thunder

I am less against IS 3 than I am against Super Pershing, but I guess it is what it is.

Tiger II H never should have been added.

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It should, but behind some skill based achievement ro something. So it would be quite rare on battlefield. And it would be nice end game for German players to achieve.

But now, you can see them on daily bases. It’s nothing special, just annoying for your opponents