Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Oh, you have to wait for the next magic prototype…

It’s honestly not possible for this merge to be made right unless they turn the preferred map feature back on and that probably still won’t be enough. There is no good reason why I haven’t gotten D-Day even once since the Big Merge. Normandy has become a slaughterhouse. Getting constantly thrown around to maps I Do.Not.Want.To.Play does not encourage me to play. Nothing is balanced. Nothing is even close to accurate.

Seeing squads on my side in uniforms that look German is mindbogglinyly infuriating.
Seeing StG-44s on half the Germans in Normandy never happened before the Merge.

They destroyed the game and its balance for no good reason.

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What, no the model is still correctly belt fed.

I have no problems with prototype or experimental stuff in general (but I do have some standards). I am not entirely opposed to the Ho-Ri but I tend to lean more towards prototypes that physically existed. Paper designs are definitely cool and it’s nice to have a what if battle, but idk I’m just partial to the Ho-Ri. I’m not entirely against it, but I’m not cheering for it either

Personally I thought we would’ve gotten the Chi-Ri long before we get papers. I’m still holding out hope though

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As it stands now, i don’t see the point of those large tanks. Especially for japan. There arent any good maps to really use them. Ho ri and perhing in pacific. How will they cross if the one bridge gets blocked. Needs more traversable area to be honest

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You can’t cross the bridge with smaller tank either if it is blocked. Think about it, Tiger2 and is2 can traverse around cluttered streets of Berlin, I don’t think there is much problem for Pacific.

The streets of berlin are too cluttered as they are. Let alone when people die. Same for normandy. My tank gets stuck on nothing too many times. Smaller tanks can atleast manouver around it easier

its okay if you have trouble reading.

the ‘‘mag’’ akak drum just holds the belt.

Technically speaking on a 34/42 you don’t really need to open the dust cover to reload if the belt used has a pull through tab.

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They had over a year 1 to do the merge right and they didn’t (: they rushed out an unfinished mess of a game with 0 testing. (no i don’t count 1 day of dev server as testing testing takes days or weeks)

face ti the game is dead. It’s a shame really was only of the only ww2 fps games that had a large variety of tanks and equipment.

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You know

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Ah yes after 1 week of merge game is dead. How about you just leave and go somewhere else? You’re just a negative Nancy. And seeing you are an Enlisted Tester makes it worse


That still doesn’t make it mag fed.

Its okay if you don’t know how firearms function.

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I know how they function. But you have stubbornly refused to read or understand what i wrote. (:

Yes i was an ENLISTED tester of the old actually playable game and don’t worry i’ll most likely quite the game after the fomo OP RU para event.

The enlisted i tested and supported (monetarily as well) is no more.

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Why don’t you quit now? Why you need FOMO para squad when you are never going to play it?


Apparently the super Pershing gun can pen 300mm

There is still a tini bit of hope they reverse course and save the game.

Plus unlike other types of squads paras are literally only event or prem.

Kinda doubt you understand how they function if you think a belt fed gun is mag fed because of the way it reloads.

No, there isn’t. The merge is staying. No amount of digital tears is going to roll it back.


My guy i own guy i study guns and if you still don’t get it its a jab refering to the fact most LMGs in game have a belt box the ‘’‘’‘’‘’‘’‘‘mag’’‘’‘’‘’’ instead of just having a belt heck the stationary MG nests lack a belt too.