Weapons and vehicles of the next update

But the ingame MG42 does have a belt, look its right here (:

I know most ingame stationary guns don’t have their belts, Type 92 doesn’t even have its feedstrip, but the normal handheld MG42 has its.

You could’ve just explained your joke way earlier instead of being condescending to me for not getting something that was wrong both as a joke and technically.

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mg34 and mg42 50 round patronen trommel are still belts. Housed in a box. Similiar to how the 240, 249, m60 and all other more modern machine guns operate. The whole reason for the 50 round and 75 round drum magazines are for easier carry. When the mg34 or mg42 were stationary, the belt can be as long as they’d like. They don’t have to worry about carrying the entire thing accross the battlefield. Especially at the atlantic wall, and other positions where the bipod was literally in the concrete to get the recoil to pretty much zero. Those machine guns wouldn’t be moved anyway. Idk who says that it is, or isn’t belt or box fed. But it’s belt fed in a drum mag for carry. Box mag is still the wrong term to be using

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Very little hope. They’ve absolutely destroyed Normandy and that was the reason to play

Correct, I’ve been saying its belt fed regardless of how you attach/insert the belt.

The other guy was trying to make a joke out of the fact that some MGs ingame are missing the belt model, but as I posted the MG42 as of the current state does have its belt.

After looking and asking some friends, i did find out that the 75 round patronen trommel on the mg34 and mg15 are somewhat magazines. By the looks of it this drum is spring loaded. So in theory when you refer to the 75 round version, you can technically call it mag fed in that case. but the 50 round drum is a belt

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It’s 1200 vs 1150.

It’s 810. And it used to be over 1000. Though you won’t find me arguing that it’s a good weapon. I think the only reason it is at five is so there is a reason to use the 21/28 and M1 Thompsons over it, and the only reason those are at four is so there is a reason to use the M1A1 and 1928A1 Thompsons.

We’ll see what happens, I would not be surprised if several weapons were moved around a bit once Japan is able to join BR V. Right now half their BR IV items should be 3 and the other half should be 5, but nothing can actually be labelled 5 until they’re ready to launch the big boy tanks.

I mean in that case it would be like with the M249, if you put a STANAG mag in a 249 its technically mag fed in that moment even if the normal method of feeding the gun is a belt.

question once again for devs: APC it’s going be a new Branch in where we are going have more and stronger versions of them (like the japs with the Ha Ho) or only premiums are going to be able to have something with more armor and weapons for protect themselves?,because for what I see on the tests the new apc vehicles are like paper (and it’s normal), but hell we need something for protect our butts

Sorta looks familiar




Ho Ri did not exist in any form at all, so I think this submachine is not the worst option.
In the technical part, the Japanese were still backward, so apparently either that or the faction would be unplayable.

NGL: I can’t see the type 99 early being all that good if the Late and Sniper early are to be believed.

They’re just so s l o w.
The type 99 sniper has a ROF of 48, while the type 99 late has a ROF of 42.
it really really feels slow in game too, The soldier takes forever to rack the bolt of a type 99, I’d suggest trying it in game and see what I mean.

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I know feels as slow as the late war model. Also does less damage for some reason. The rifle with grenade discharger is a funny one. The launcher is invisible in hand before setting on top of the gun barrel.

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Try Carcano M1891 (the long one), either normal or sniper, and then tell us.

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I forgot about that rifle. I really liked the short carcano.

It’s a wooden mockup, not a designed prototype.

You don’t know if this thing would even move, fire, have balance, what engine would be there, would it even work at all.

Just having a wooden mockup doesn’t mean it’s a real vehicle.

Maybe Stalin made a wooden mockup of M1 Abrams in 1941, doesn’t mean it can be added to WW2.

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Will this update bring back the Tunisian A-20 that was removed without notice?

I don’t understand why we need to add a fictional vehicle to the game, and why not adjust the matching mechanism to match the same BR? And it is also better for new countries that may emerge in the future. Do we have to force Japan to create a BR5 that doesn’t make enough of the technology tree? I think some people may say they want to avoid player diversion, but the current situation is that the Axis armies in 5 campaigns have been merged, the Soviet armies in 3 campaigns have been merged, and the allies in 2 campaigns have been merged. The active player base is already sufficient, and the current poor matching mechanism is not friendly to new players. Will there be new players playing this terrible game? I really don’t understand what the planner of this game is thinking…


as a new player that just got my feet wet before new enlisted,its not a easy start after update and i got half of the free stuff through the campains,i wouldnt even attempt a fresh start would be fun suicide…i also think there shouldnt be more then a 1 tier br difference between players even that with skill lvl differences is a tuff go.

welcome to the era of faction mains the costs are too high for new players to start grinding new nation let alone all of them

If jap got a br5 that might cause US to become populated cause there is a chance they can dominate jap