Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Since weapons like the RPD and AS-44 are already available, why not go all the way and add the RPG-44 or RPG-1? Well, even with that, penetrating the frontal armor of the King Tiger 2 would still be difficult…

Rn, Japan is completely wrecking even BR4 US.

Yea but only because US br4 are 70% drag into br 5 battle

Which make me want to build br4 but tbh I don’t wanna (cause my luck of getting to fight jap instead of German are horrible)

Japan also doing a good job at BR II hahaha
If only the Hei was BR II, then i would play japan :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yea but I think br3 for jap might be nice too bad I want to use type100 flamethrower tho

Yeah - the update just went live and the tech tree has been expanded. So far so good. But a question: Was it intended to end the current event for the Soviet paratroopers?^^ I’m guessing something went wrong? Maybe it will come back after the update at 2:00 p.m. I am excited! ^^

oh sound like a free stage to me

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xDDDD That’s so funny because it is so true.

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No, it’s bugged, it will be fixed.

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was also my assumption! :wink: thumbsup


Is it intended for crate weapons to bypass the entire system, or will it be fixed to follow br rules like everything else?

It’s a simple question staff seems to avoid for some reason, eh?


very sus

They answered in the russian section of the forum that they are planning to fix it, but I guess those para boxes are made of spaghetti code so they dont really want to touch them.

Or the US gonna die and sent to face German BR5 because all Japs players stick to BR2… I mean who is insane enough to play Japs BR3+ when their playerbase can barely hold BR2?

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Where do you come up with this nonsense?

Shiet man, my respect

Because myself play BR2 japs but my teammates are working with single braincell while I hold the cap or at least the only one sitting in the cap while the rest camp in some corner with HMG? Yeah…

My hypothesis, is that they always knew about it, and was even intentional…

But seeing the population imbalance among faction, they tried to replicate the event Breda and Italian paratroopers effect on Tunisia, this time with Soviets paras to bring back Soviet player population.

The problem is twofold here:

  • they ignore core issues instead doing this kind of broken “oversight”
  • they are not transparent with their choices. Not the devs, nor the helpers, none of them are forthright with the truth. It’s instead you, a fellow community member, that did their job by telling us devs intentions…

I’m really not impressed by their behaviour…



Not trying to have a dig at ya,
but there certain circumstances, where all on the team, are not of the same experience you have in game,
there are so many reasons why one can not always be on point.

And i think that people that scream in matches, that they only ones doing anything, where they are the only gold rank player on team, should maybe F Off and play a BR that they are more suited to.


Gold rank abusing peeps

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