Weapons and vehicles of the next update

I noticed that your profile picture is of a legendary Japanese military power suit.

If the Tokyo Arsenal Submachinegun appears on the early Pacific War maps, it is not a problem to throw in a Mikadroid.


Btw when are they going to fix the Stalingrad spam? Like, Moscow doesn’t seem to exist at all, it is a constant stream of Stalingrad maps back-to-back. It gets old pretty fast.

It is yes,
funny that you recognize it, I thought its only really popular with Japanese artists and a small niche of foreign horror movie enthusiasts :slight_smile:


I think they were guided by the Russian article. Although it’s unclear to me what the hell on Russian Wikipedia doing is a full-length article about a Japanese experimental gun. It looks suspicious.
Rof - before 1200.

And around bunch of infantry? I guess. Because in other way it’s will just WT2.

We’ve been waiting for it for a couple of years, hopefully they’ll release it someday.

The fire rate is 1200 rpm

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And obviously a well balanced BR4 weapon…

We’d need bigger maps for things like that to really be viable honestly
Knife fighting in two heavies like that isn’t interesting at all
And it’d give inf a much better survivability chance to RPG either one

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At 1200 rpm 50rd dont last a second, imo is fine

Why is PPsH BR 5 and that thing BR 4 ? and Why the US won’t be able to use their drum mag at BR 4 ? Basically the japanese will have a better PPsh at a lower BR for … reasons ?



You need just wait some months

1200 is correct for the first test gun.

“…due to the high firing rate of 1200 rounds per minute…”

Source: “Masterpiece Weapons of the Japanese Army - The Ultimate Weaponry Thorough Study” 日本陸軍の傑作兵器駄作兵器―究極の武器徹底研究 by Jiro Sayama ( 佐山 二郎) page 37


Just like I need to wait some month for the US to get heavy tanks at higher BR. Well I guess I will just wait some month by farming bots while playing BR 5 germany, what an enjoyable experience…

But I guess it’s fine because I will have two new copy pasted mid-BR tank that will behave exactly like already existing tanks in the game. Oh and I will get a new map ! That no one will actually play seriously because it will just be a farm for playing germany BR 5. Such a great update !

Oh no… I fear your model studio didn’t do its research looking at the receiver.
Let me explain.
The real “Tokyo Arsenal M1927” gun feeds either from 5 10 round curved feed strips which go into that “drum” housing or a 18 round stick magazine.

The feed strips can be seen in this picture very clearly.

CoD WWII already made this mistake, shame I was hoping your iteration would get it right.


which will be worse
this unicorn Tokyo typewriter with questionable stats
just trophy chinese/US early thompsons, drums included

Trucks!!! Finally!!!

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Baby steps, now we need bigger map for fully enjoi the ability of use them like mobile rallypoint


Yeah if we’re gonna be forced to use these trucks (Not the halftracks since they can kinda defend themselves) on these tiny ass maps, whats the point
Off the top of my head there’s only a couple they’d even remotely be useful on as is


while pershings have good weapons, they will still get destroyed with ease by enemy AT infantry from range while aiming at its front, meanwhile US infantry will still be forced to somehow reach the side of panthers/tigers and pray that the weapon pens.

Pershings aren´t gonna make the stomping stop let me tell you that much. It´s just gonna replace the Jumbo in the US sweats line up.

Submissive behavior. Weak.