Weapons and vehicles of the next update

it,s great new indeed.

i always has be a ethusiast of light vehicles, Since o don,t use Tanks or planes.

there is one thing missing, Japan need something to counter M2 Caribine, maybe a Semi auto rifle whit 20 rounds in magazine will do the job.


Yes i keep my opinion of 1y ago, i love see trucks and i probably i love use them in the village map behind the monastery and ver sur, but is hard use them in all other map who are mostly infantry based


Well yeah
its pretty much just a Tiger 1

Why do USA get Pershing and Germany gets a fucking piece of cardboard :flushed::melting_face:

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Tell me


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Consider my interest piqued!

Event bamboo spears when?

Because a good fomo event should not be about unique mechanics, but instead cosmetics and funny but useless stuff like bamboo spears.


Can we not like get a Ferdinand or jagdtiger

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Pershing is tiger and tiger 2 counter, usa lack of heavy tank compared to german tiger and panther


Yea they do

Pray to pen

Given that iconic WW2 vehicles are premier squads, unfortunately the bamboo spear squad will likely be a $50 premier squad as well!


… They look famished.

To the last man!!!


If that actually happens that’s just messed up and then what next if I wanna hit someone’s head and with a shovel will that become a premium as well


I don’t play pacific anymore

Can’t blame you it’s an over glorified bot farm for the allies With half of their toys

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Well, the end of the Battle of Okinawa was disastrous and the lack of weapons and soldiers made the militia with prototype weapons and old hunting rifles and bamboo spears, but civilians equipped with bamboo spears will not be implemented because the developers have stated that civilians and children will not be in the game.
Bamboo spears only exist on the forum as a joke.

It’s not!

Japanese players are back!

Surprisingly even matches.

Note: I play Japan tier 3. I haven’t seen a single jumbo yet. Or maybe one, but the team ignored it, focused on the cap, leaving poor jumbo behind…

And keep in mind, gents. Japan have the iconic Kamikaze. Only faction where it’s “ok” to crash bomb with to larp. (Thought I don’t recommend it, you’re better saving tickets)


The power of anime won’t last forever it has to die out eventually

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