Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Anime didn’t exist back then. Just men with zealous fervor in the Emperor. Unmatched bravery (or fanaticism).

Japanese faction is fun. So is lower tier allies.


i blame the compressed MM


Turns out RU wikipedia is more correct than english one… :man_shrugging: :rofl:

You have good taste. I rarely play in the Japanese faction, but I am getting interested…
The My US, USSR and Germany army have their slots expanded to the max, but the Japanese have minimal slots and very poor equipment.
It might be a good idea to play with the Japanese faction with extended slots for the next update… :thinking:


As it should be
Bolt actions and a handful of SMGs for the Emperor

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Is there a huge problem with the US forces not winning to bring in the Pershing and Super Pershing??? The Pershings were put in service for the LAST MONTHS of the war… WTF dudes? This is ridiculous. If the problem is penning, then perhaps make the Firefly free to earn or allow engineers to build more effective AT guns. Not looking forward to this becoming another War Thunder shitshow leading to Abrams tanks…


The complete lack of vehicles that can openly slug it out with the Tiger 1 and Tiger II H respectively

Pretty sure the Pershing was in the next theater being added lmao

Firefly can’t pen the KT H either

That should be done full stop across the board regardless


Pershings SAW combat, they’re fine.

And ppl wanted war thunder br (without understanding what it implied). It’s what ppl got.

My entire Japanese Army has only one soldier with an SMG, but your post makes me feel like my setup is HA. :grinning:

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Defending the point with overwatch by some Ho-I the other day when the main suite from the new Godzilla movie came on and it was pretty great
Brit vehicles rushed the point spewing gunfire and I grabbed my detpack and charged right back expecting to be blown up only for the Ho-I to explode one with a round over my head and the other was hit with an AT gun from the rear
The entire team and the tank had charged with me

A Type 38 and good attitude are all you need


Tenno-heka! banzai!

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I real man drop his rifle or smg before storming a building, and instead brandish his katakana.

No joke I do that for laughs. What’s even funnier is that it works :laughing:

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i also just use katana always as japanese army

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It’s ironic it says that on a Russian wiki; let’s see how many developers at Darkflow have a Wiki page. It seems a Jap here says it’s 400-625.

Japanese SMGs - Page 2 - Axis History Forum

Don’t conclude after reading one Wikipedia page.


Are you sure because that seems to be the design philosophy with how they do the updates


Japanese SMGs - Page 2 - Axis History Forum
The Russian page is phony.


Where is the pdf of the book?

Ho-Ri Production version (gun longer compared with Prototype version)

Opinion: For attacker best options would be Aichi B7A or the Yokosuka P1Y ‘‘Ginga’’

I wish I could like this post twice

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