Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Because the armored flap over the windscreen appears to be locked open


Fair enough :rofl:

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I would have instantly agreed that M3 > Sdkfz 251 otherwise
Other than looks ofc

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These will be some welcome additions, and the vehicles once they hit. I probably still won’t play BR 5 US, since it’s an unbalanced stomp and will continue to be so until:
The Pershings are added, ideally with ammo modelled well so that they actually compete with german armor, and;
You limit all automatic weapons to either assaulters or machine gunners. The problem I’m referring too has been beaten to death on these forums, it’s the FG-42 as a rifleman weapon. “But what about the M2 Carbine?” US doesn’t get a better assault rifle, Germans get STG-44s for assaulters and FG-42 for all, not the same. “But the soviets get AVT-40 and AVS!” Sure. That’s why I didn’t say just redo the FG. all automatics should be assaulters or machinegunners only, it’s the only semi-fair way to limit their impact on the balance and play of high-tier games under the current MM.


Not hapening mate.
How do I know? Intuition…

DF: slaps AR to a medic
Because variety of playstyles is for loosers.


I dont think Ive ever seen you actually appreciate the content in any update. Sourpuss.

Nice work devs!


Some people actually enjoy WW2 content and gear and dont minmax lol


The tech tree is made for add equipment on all BR dont just keep add powerful endgame weapon, is more than natural that in future as is happened now, low level equipment is added alongside end game one, for keep the game fresh


Imo they should add a brace mechanic for rifle grenades. So ppl can’t jump into a room, do 360 midair and explode you.


I’d like for you lads to guess which one was using only rifle grenades to get by
They’re just like you and me

Or just give them the long and convoluted reload they had IRL
Having to swap ammo entirely
Attach it
Put it on
Rack bolt
And so on

Like they did to the Grb


Tokyo Typewriter

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This is cool and all but we still need weapon adjustments in the Battle Rating system, like a lot. Plus an unlockable 10rnd Hei Rifle would be nice.


Or AGAIN simply copy FH2 and add an animation delay before firing after pressing fire

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They completely overlooked tryhards that are running double Rifle with AT nades and also 3x Impact nades

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Although it makes me happy to have a mobile rally, I find it insulting that only the premium ones have something with which to “defend” the vehicle, all factions have either a truck or a half-track with some type of weaponry, I feel that this is incorrect and should be able to provide protection to vehicles the rest is gud unless they are planning do a higher br option of them


I’ll be very disappointed in this community if this isn’t the top rated comment of the entire post


Pershing is necessary for US,because of Tiger II.
BUT,Ho-Ri of Japan is a completely disaster. It NOT historic at all,even more,this vehicle was completely designed in about 2017 by a Korean. In War Thunder,It’s rated badly,some players maybe dislike It every much.I know It difficult to make V Jap tank,but sacrifice one of the biggest advantages,historic,is NOT worth at all.We may put something more interesting,such as jet fighter,bunker with turret just for Jap defense,tunnel in Pacific,they are both historic and attractive


Yeah that’s fine. Me too but in that case wouldn’t you prefer something that’s not almost identical to what we already have?

Seems like a waste of dev time when they could have finished working on the Pershings so US faction can get their equalizer to the Tiger 2

Would you like to see them add another Thompson as well?

Lol what joke is this? You call current Japan that currently using a bunch of prototype weapon historic?

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