Weapons and vehicles of the next update



wait since this is gonna be a major update what gonna be here instead of premium squad or do they still exist in merge? cause i was thinking of buying newest pre order squad (if there is one)

Yes they still exist, but a lot of them will not be available for purchase anymore:
Premiums that will be removed from other campaigns: Incoming update sale! - News - Enlisted
Normandy premiums: Normandy landings Day - News - Enlisted


BUT i can still buy the new one yes? just want to make sure i understand it correctly

They will be probably let them to use brand new 105mm sherman that you have showed in dev’s post.

Stop saying “we” about Axis you cringe wehraboo.

And start playing all factions if you want to be taken seriously discussing balance.

You’re such a disappointment in here, making the forum less enjoyable to visit.


Was about to write something about it too, but you beat me to it.

Wtf is “we” and “you” supposed to mean when everyone has access to all faction :laughing:


Thanks for showing back that list!

I completely forgot what the premiums were, that saved me a lot of troubles searching.

Now… decisions, decisions…

Be like me, purchase everything xD

Jokes aside, there are some premiums Def worth attention before they are gone.


Wow. Im glad for the Japan mains I guess.
Also lamest metge announcement ever.

There will be more news, as stated before in this thread.

I dont care. This should like after the main announcement.

Have you done it ever once in a real match ? :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Although this is good news, I’m afraid that the test server may overlap with the latest stages of the current event.

That wouldn’t be ideal, since most players would be forced to either play the event OR test stuff in the server, not having enough time to do both.

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I did buy most, especially when they get 50% off. I’m always waiting for this, so those I still don’t have are generally the newest ones.

I’m a “prudent” consoomer :stuck_out_tongue:

Still gotta check if there’s some I missed that are bound to disappear :thinking:

Oh, the LAGG-3-34 is on the endangered list! I recommend strongly that plane to anyone who likes to fly, it’s my favourite in Moscow, even more that the I-16! The 30mm works like a charm vs axis tanks, and a good pilot can dogfight with it, providing you don’t face a bf109 ace.

New content is always welcome, sounds like new merge is very near too, which will please a lot of people, I am hoping that customs will get some love as that lack of choice where I fight is a real “thing” I will miss in base. Hoping BA mod keeps going from strength to strength, new maps (desert, normandy ish) in future … xp, achievement enabled somehow. to incentivise more players to join without sacrifice.

Content is welcomed, I thought we would get the Corsair for Pacific, but I 'm sure you will add soon enough, just feels slightly Japanese focused, just adding a tank for US. Anyways keep up good work!


Hopefully Axis Tunisia going to get some new unlocks like P40, i know i could just use Panzer/Tiger but i want to play as Italian tanker from time to time. Plus it has Heat so it would be a good sidegrade to Pz3 N/Pz4 E that also has that shell type. Unless you want it only be available for premium/FA squads which is a bad idea since murricans already have heat with m8 scott. I’m glad that merge is coming actually soon this time, i expected yet another delay with only currency patch to be introduced so good job.


that a good looking italian tank hope it wont get shred tho if it got added

In waiting for the 105/25 M43 105mm of pure love for any allied tank


that a chunky one i like the camo tho