Weapons and vehicles of the next update

Still waiting for them to buff mag size to 40, with nerf of flamethrower range now that squad is not that useful and powerful. I will be only using it as a mobile engineers/at gunners, even lmg and sniper that you get from the box are meh.


Welcome to the modern multiplayer experience. Where having fun is secondary to ABSOLUTELY OBLITERATING THE ENEMY WITH YOUR MIN MAXXED SQUAD OF SUPERSOLDIERS.
The game does have questionable balancing descisions I won´t lie. But atleast it´s not War Thunder.


Seriously. And it’s getting out of hand. Players in here comparing stats and rates of fire of different guns, playing a numbers game instead of THE ACTUAL GAME.

Protip: none of you clowns worrying about balance are going to go pro or be a successful streamer. Seek a therapist and/or primary care physician for your dopamine deficiencies and learn to have fun.

“it’s not fun if you lose” incoming and I feel true heartfelt sorrow for you.


having my daily lawn mowing aka using bike is fun and i do it everyday so i can say without a doubt i am having fun especially with mp717 too

note: but seriously tho the bike is really fun for me but other like to compare thing so it pretty underrated

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after ww2 yes


Me looking at: war thunder vehicles assets, upcoming war thunder battle rating system, upcoming warthunder economy (minus repair costs), shared war thunder/enlisted PR employees (foxes), warthunder like tech trees, war thunder like progression…



its like like pasta

Only because is made with the same ingredient and look the same dont mean its the same thing

This one are spaghetti
This one are linguine

Understood :pinched_fingers:?


I’m not enough the fool, to argue pastas with an Italian :laughing:

I capiche!


Until we have blatant Russian bias, devs not buffing/nerfing things even when it´s brought to their attention with proof and not listening to the community in general, I´m still giving them a certain benefit of the doubt.

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Well, I don’t main any faction in particular so I wouldn’t know. But there’s some very peculiar things, like fedov, or other fantasy weaponry I’m personally not too much into… But then again axis got coomders machines of their own… tanks used to behave suspiciously (stalinium front planes), but those all got fixed to a point I say tanking is a joy for any faction in Enlisted.

A lil doubt is healthy sure, as long as it doesn’t blind.

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Berlin in particular really was a shitshow for a while. The difference in players aside, the T34s could OHK Panzer IVs and Panthers while they had trouble doing the same. The IL2 was so good you could litteraly dogfight and outturn the first BF109, I shot down so many I could make a compilation if we had replays back then. The drum ppsh also didn´t have it´s reload nerfed for a while so all of these things only reduced the amount of players for axis even more.

Can´t say I enjoy tank gameplay anymore though, it´s either you get taken out before you can do anything really or you just sit around lobbing HE at the objective. The armor fixes are appreciated though. They just need to be more on top of things when it comes to balancing and fixing bugs. Planes sucking up hundreds of shots like they´re nothing also comes to mind.


Any news on when Calisto will be open for testing?

Only if it’s paired with the Maus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tP6241pD3uQ


I love having the 105mm M2 Howitzer shoved inside my turret. I wish we had MORE howitzers shoved inside turrets. We getting the M45 with our Pershing if the Bulge campaign ever comes, right?

Ah yes. Can’t wait to be continuously punished by only ever facing “equivalent” enemies instead of the wonderful random situation we have now

Thank God I already have the Jumbo squad dealt with, and am working on the 76mm squad. Once I’m done with them I just gotta work on 2 plane squads and I’m back to my P-47 with HVARS for days

he said his today

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Surely, this won’t go wrong with multiple tanks camping in the back of the map with 120 mm guns with a balanced battlefield.

You should’ve just made the terrain heavily favor the japs like irl so you wouldn’t have to make the Pacific worse. The island-hopping campaigns were asymmetric warfare. You can not treat this place like a normal war Darkflow; I hope you realize this soon before it is too late.


I just hope I still have like two weeks to grind the last bit to unlock the Mp-717(R) in Stalingrad. I want to buy some before I can no longer get it after the update and it would be sad if the grind was for nothing.


What lvl you at in Stalingrad?