Weapons and vehicles of the next update

BTW, maybe im getting it wrong, but that type 99 LMG says it also unlocks machine gunner II, which japan already have…does it mean to be machine gunner III ?

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It describes how you will unlock it as a new player, on your “old” account you’ll see how it works on the test server.

The devs are just too stubborn they do not want to acknowledge the iceberg in the distance as we’re about to crash into it.


the shorter the distance gets, the bigger the iceberg seems to be, hope its just an illusion created by the panic of the crash itself


No I think it is actually steam when I actually start to look at it Oh yes I can see all the unrestricted comments you can have once you reach steam that’s must be what it is.



just imagine the pictures merged together and then you have an iceberg which is steam in the distance.


Do you know what mechanics will be implemented with this next update, among:

  • New tech tree (I think it’s a given since announced)
  • New economy
  • Battle rating system

And the most important of it all, WHEN is that update due? For those still grinding.

Bonus question: In the new build, will we be able to obtain Commonwealth and Italian troops, with proper voices and name, or those will be unobtainable just like mp717(r)?


it cant release on steam, not in its actual form. its extremely dangerous, maybe suicidal at this point…my bet is the epic store, a much more controlled enviroment.

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big think


In this type of scenario all we can do is hope for the best find a safe place and pray we do not die in the crash.

One thing I have learned all this years, is to never disagree with an Italian regarding pasta.


How to kill your game 101: launching in EGS, many game didn’t survive that and you expect this one do?

At this time, i finally learned to not expect anything. im just here to have fun.

I dont think you can play a dead game but well

Hey Shi, perhaps you can answer me about this, being a tester and all:

  • In Tunisia we can buy some soldiers with Italian or British nationalities. They come with unique voices. Will it be possible to obtain those nationalities in the shop after the conversion, or those will not be obtainable anymore, like the Stalingrad captured ppsh?

OMG Allies with the Sherman 105…that’s gonna be nasty for us Axis :stuck_out_tongue:

You really aren’t very patient.
Just wait for test server. I wouldn’t be surprised if it going to be announced today or tomorrow.

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Regarding the merge, I noticed Soviets can strictly play Eastern Front only alongside Japan strictly Pacific but US has to fight two theaters and Germany having to fight almost everyone without options at all.

No word about choosing loadouts for Germany like having more rifles on the Western front and more automatics on the Eastern Front for Soviet SMG spam is going to be crazy for Germany.

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Not a problem for anyone who grinded Stalingrad and has 4 Conders and FA Engineers with AR. But it will be a problem for people that weren’t very active or just joined the game.


I guess German western Axis players will have to prepare their lineup(s) taking into account that they may be sent to a random theatre.

I am planning to just prepare 3 setups for each army (low, mid, and high tier) with what I like playing, and call it a day.


I will murder your premium flametroopers before they get to the point and ignite my ass