What is the point of making all the allied Paratrooper able to drop into the combat zone and cause as much havoc as physically possible unlike their axis counterparts

you do realize no ammount of " crying " that axis " suffers " and chad allied too op will every do anything… right?

you did post like this in the past. and… got the same results.

what did you expected to change / would change this time?


The only reaction one should have to this topic:


Sure buddy but…

If you let paratroopers drop on the point with 10 player on it, guarding it, i think is your fault dont kill them in air


Paratroopers who are dropping are free exp and after the drop every player need always some second for understand what do



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Jsesus Christ. Stop making your titles longer than your texts.

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So maybe the devs acknowledge they’ve made some problems and we’ll probably give the Italians a bigger magazine or faster reload so I don’t just have to rely on the supply crate to defend myself.


not everything is made to be meta.

or anything that gets introduced has to be better than it’s “”“counterparts”“” / better than previous introduced squads.

sometimes they make units that looks similar for different factions, others time not so much.


someone already beated me to it.


Whats the point of making a 20mag SMG unit with flamers more meta against a 32mag SMG unit without flamers?

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It make him happy, moreover para flamers is a shit not joke i hope forward paratroopers use their fifth crate slot for something better like a bike


re-re-re edit.

i got it wrong again so…

yeah… actually that’s a good question

Because when you’re up against sweat Lords they won’t always let you reach your supply crate and your supply crate doesn’t always land where you want it and 20 round magazine is not really that good behind enemy lines.

You cant satisfy lunatics. Next he wants Maus because a Stuart flanked his II(H).


The German sweatlords really suck then if they cant kill people literally landing in a open killzone but get outsmarted in the back all the time.

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Once the merge come you rarely find sweetlord if you dont pick high-end BR gun like FG or M2, and paratroopers squad outiside normandy one are all low-mid BR


Well then if that’s true I wonder what’s gonna happen when Soviet paratroopers come to the game.

they prolly will get an smg or mg.

interesting idea but how would you put a bike inside a box?

Note: a glider squad would be kinda cool dont you think?

The same way you put

  • 3 mg
  • 1 hammer
  • 2 scoped rifle
  • 1 radio
  • 3 AT launcher
  • 6 granade
  • 6 medikit
  • 6 flamethrowers
  • their ammo

With vodka and slavs magic

Its videogame dont need to be realistic

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tbh if i would make something like that i would make a glider squad so we can have bike or jeep

edit: hell we might even get a light tank that are only there to support infantry if we go very extreme way

A glider would be to big for the map and to easy to destroy, imo advanced parachuted motorized infantry withaut bigger map is impossible to get with the current gameplay

Maybe on @tommyZZM mod you can find it

yea if tommy can make that i would definitely try it out also they might introduce a bigger map in the future but who knows we still dont know what the new ground vehicle mechanic gonna be