Weapons and vehicles of the next update

i mean when i see weapon of anything i dont complain like at all only after getting to use it then i would maybe complain like the current OG 43 for example i didnt complain and even now after use i think it ok but of course allie are gonna wreck cause allie

Yeah, it’s a short range flamethrower.

This is a fair point. I can deal with the 20 rounds but I wish it had more.

Nope. The Welgun is just a nicer looking Sten. Which is why they were never adopted by British special forces, it was easier to just take a Sten and slap a suppressor on it.

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Nope Euthymia07 already said that before the new progression and economy update whe would get a test server for some time

So is not the very soon you think

I am glad that I have spent so much time getting my Japanese army maxed to the gills. Hopefully this announcement gets more players on the Japanese side to help me more lol


It’s at the very top of the news. Merge is coming soon. For real this time.

Not sure what happened to the test server though.


The announcement is really soon)


hmm im gonna bet it will happen in 3 day

You answered yourself.

“Progression and economy update”. But what is shown here, is combined factions… Which will happen in 1 week or 2, like they always do when they announce updates.

Different things.

I just wanted to be sure that the BR thing, and new economy, won’t be released before we give our feedback… Because the proposed new economy has obvious flaws in it, and BR simply must be tested to be done right. :thinking:

any info on coaxial mgs on those tanks? if they keep churning out hull mgs on all of those, they will still be mostly prevalent as proto assault squad taxis.

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jap tanks didn’t really have co-axials, only the pintle mount and the hull mount

True but when it comes to dark flow I don’t trust anything they do especially when it comes to the fedorov and how that thing is still functioning as an end game BR weapon.

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Nah, i still think all of you are speeding too much the thing with the immagination… Anyway lest see what happens, still imo is too early for merge faction, teche tree or whatever else…

IRL, maybe.
In game, Welgun currently is a exact copy of MP38, with even less visual recoil.
Quite excited to get it myself.

me too always want to use a BSA welgun ngl

I’m all for
:musical_note::notes:a world of pure imagination
Take a look and you’ll see
Into your imagination :notes::musical_note:



I mean, my friend, it’s pretty much written here…

Edit: I wonder if some neutral, aquatic bird will censor me because I’ve shown myself singing? :thinking:


Yeah good point. Like how the federov is still better than the AS44… :joy:


Are we going to have a test server run before this big update goes live? Thought that was the point of testing it

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Yes. See above:

But they had the option of “switching” main armament…just basically rotate the turret to use the back lmg as the main armament, maybe that should be added on the future


a lot of tank have back mg like the russian so yea this might be an interesting feature but they might not add it but who know? maybe they will someday