Weapons and vehicles of the next update

I’m not sure if it will be implemented with another update, or if it’s with this one.

It’s really not clear.

If it isn’t… man Japan will hate their life…

At the rate things are going I am better off just staying in the Pacific and playing as a Japanese instead of wasting my time in Tunisia with the debatable Italian paratroopers.

win rates of japanese forces have significantly decreased.

unless you play with a team, don’t expect to win that much.

but, losing in the pacific didn’t felt bad or atrocious as Tunisia.

at least for me.


Yep, exactly.

yea was surprise that happen tbh but it is what it is


I play solo so I’m gonna suffer but at least it’s better than playing in Tunisia and using a pea shooter and when the allied paratroopers come I’m better off just staying in the Pacific and taking my chances there instead of playing that campaign.




oh my god can yall not complain for 5 minutes?


Unless they give a major buff to the Italian paratroopers main weapon which is the most important thing when they land I am better off playing in the Pacific instead of wasting my time in Tunisia.

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You are asking for too much I see a lot of people complaining about “all the content this update is receiving” like bruh, don’t you guys can spend the time to read the whole blog? and realize that says this is the first devblog and more are gonna be released on the upcoming days like come on at least read everything before jumping on the messengers


Despite previously asking for a buff myself, I’m now realizing that the gun itself is decent. What makes it insufficient is ending up in a match against full Allied veteran players storming you without pause. Otherwise, it’s ok.


This game is attracting far too many kids that can’t afford CoD. All they care about is meta. “balance this, balance that” I play Tunisia Axis most of the time lately just because I like early-war aesthetics, if my team wins cool if we lose okay.

Devs literally give us cool historical gear and the kids here yell that it’s not enough. :unamused:


I don’t understand how the experience of one event squad ruins an entire campaign for you. Especially since it’s one where the Axis are winning (for now at least).

Yeah the OG isn’t great, but neither is the Welgun. And the British don’t have flamethrowers.

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  • Will the new economy hinted at last dev blog be implemented with this big update? We haven’t got the test server branch yet. :thinking:

Are these screenshots heavily processed or are we getting a fidelity update too?


We got nerfed on the range of the flamethrowers and we have a smaller magazine while you have a bigger one and probably better fire rate and a little bit more damage.


The merge is probably at the end of the year, sufficient time for another marathon and some week of test server

I think you’re right.

Regardless, as an all-round player, I can only rejoice seeing Japan receive a load of highly needed (and actually Japanese) higl level reinforcements.


@gastanofrizzi my friend. They are talking of the next update… Which IS the combination of all factions thing… or “merge”.

For once, soon is really soon.


I guess that’s true but when you bump into end level allies with better weapons I am better off stealing the weapons off the corpse or dying because I didn’t play strategically enough.

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