We need better maps (The end?)

Although I would completely trash loot box idea. It’s not a casino (or at least shouldn’t be one

I also don’t like loot boxes

But now let’s get back to the original topic

I want ‘better’ maps too. I enjoyed these No Mans Land maps in Battlefield 1, huge open areas with a few destroyed houses, many craters, destroyed vehicles.

Watch the video on this page > [German home front, Hitler and Mussolini, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, German convoy under air attack and Waffen SS on the Eastern front, circa 1944] (Die Deutsche Wochenschau No. 714) = (The German newsreel No. 714) and go to 12:38 minutes. I would like to see areas like these, Narva 1944. Another map like Kharkov 1943 would be great.

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I’m glad you agree,

I never bought BF 1 but I will watch No mans on YT

BF1 had some really good maps with huge destroyed areas. The thing is with many World War 2 shooters, why always these village maps with small alleys, terrible. I want things like this:

And I hope we get a Kharkov 1943 map, this setting is barely used in any WWII game.


Maybe we don’t have it because Enlisted takes place in 1941, not 43

What about the Normandy 1944 map, and Berlin 1945? I’m just saying, I hope we get more unique settings then always maps like D-Day/Normandy. And I think Kharkov is an good example of a great setting, a large battle, greater than for example Operation Market Garden, but more forgotten.


As this thread had achieved it’s goal …in some way
I want to thank everyone who gave their opinions

I don’t know if I should close this topic or still leave it for players to discuss.

So here is a poll, have fun:
[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]

  • Keep this topic
  • Delete this topic
  • Keep it but leave only the part where you complained about snow on maps

Breaking down critiques into individual maps sounds like a good approach.


Well, you did it… Well done

In some way i did it

But there are still chances devs won’t do what we suggested. The main problem is that current maps need more than just opening the areas around them. The fights might still be located in narrow streets
What we need are missions made individualy for squads mode.
And there were still zero promises on adding more snow.

That’s why I’m not sure if I should keep this topic going or not. I’ve put a poll for other testers to decide


Just keep this topic going bud, have faith in urself…need for opening more area of maps is what i wanted since my day one getting my hands of this game

Rant if its necessary if they still don’t implement what we all suggest


We’ve got another response from a different dev,

Again thank you all for helping me push this suggestion

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Great that the devs take the time and even read the suggestions.

I understand that it is easier to use a destroyed village/city as a map to get fast pacing battles, but it’s boring with the fact that always, in most multiplayer shooters, you spawn, run towards the main area, often a village, die, respawn, repeat. With larger maps/areas you might have to chance that tactic as a player. For example, what if you have this huge open field which you could cross, but 9 out of 10 the chance is that you get shot ofcourse by the enemy from the other side.

Many battles on the Eastern Front, and some on the Western Front, had this kind of battles. The battle of Kursk (1943) was fought on this huge steppe area, with barely any villages in sight. Or the battles on the Leningrad / Narva sector, most of the time the battles were fought in open areas with some forests, rivers, bridges.

Take these German footage from fighting at Narva 1944 for example. Its bad quality, but here you can see that German forces fire at Soviet troops who are probably at least 500m-1km away. Totally diffrent then the battles inside small villages and alleys.


Good vid
I watched both German and Russian ww2 movies and some of them really show how battles on eastern front were held.

Eastern Europe is quite flat and battles in 1941 were ideal for long range combat

I think short range should be left to Berlin and Stalingrad, In those battles, some Soldiers even had anti-SMG body armour so close Range won’t be as painful because players will have to aim for headshots to kill with SMG’s


As far as I know only SU used body armour. So prepare yourselves for human tanks running with the best SMGs of that war :smiling_imp:
Other nation that could have body armour is germany as they had quite a lot of it during WW1.

Germany was really ahead of their time with the methods they recorded war footage.

I saw some colorized film that would have looked like it came out of the 70s if it wasn’t for the Panzer IVs.


I totally forgot Germans lost interest in Body armour after ww1

Guess we’ll have to figure out other methods of balance

Body armour was present during Berlin test but I don’t remember if Germans used something like that or it was only for SU

Anyways, here is a little Easter egg

As you can see, Germans also have slot for armour

Here are my expectations (Berlin):

SU gets body armour and Germans get like…Tiger 2, StG-44 or smth


Germans get ww1 body armour


Germans get custom body armour (sandbags around the torso, steel plates…)

But now I think we are kinda out of the topic so please write only if it has anything to do with the topic

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That’s even more P2W than vitality perk

At least more vitality can be obtained by regular soldiers.
I’m more for interesting balance methods

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You mean increased?