Update "Rzhev"

oh then that is less useful than i thought tbh i thought it would be the personel upgrade i really do need to double read nowadays

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:dizzy_face: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


Jk, no way my prediction is correct, I’m probably just hypemaxxing over an emoji. Unless…


Oh this one, we reminded about it to devs recently.


The engine indicators aren’t working though. And the gear resets each time you switch between soldiers on board, which should be fixed

For now until Making Enlisted Betta comes along

They seem to change based on preferences, like highest weapons handling driver takes over gunner spot even if no gunner perks. Maxing out all tank crew solves issue for now

There is just one thing wrong here - KV-2 couldn’t face a KingTiger in combat. The last KV-2’s broke down a few months before Tiger II rolled out of factories.


Yeah, KV 2 and KV 1 were actually early war tanks, back when Germany was still using Panzer III J instead of Panzer IV F2

dude, i make my own sound mods, im TRYING to update them but the game is not loading them AT ALL


Is there also an event comming soon?

Stay tuned for news.


How do the new premium 8,8 cm Flak 37 Time-Fuse shells work? Anyone know?

cant tell if im bugging or not but these guys have never looked this good in the main menu before, especially my main man there, you can see his facial features really wel!, is this part of the global illumination? really cool update so far, still need to grind to get my precious cheeto

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they don’t work
It’s basically ordinary HE but you have the lead indicator vs planes

Are you saying that I have to score direct hits on the airplanes wih 88mm TF shells to damage them? If so, this will be a super difficult thing to do. I was exicted when I thought that TF shells work like flak to quickly take out bombers.


yup. Its a gimmick. Dont wast your time being AA except for the lolz.

Even with working HE-TF it wouldnt be user friendly (not unless they added proxy assist like they have aim assist)

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Yes! Proxy HE anti-air shells are what I want! that don’t require direct hits. I would happily shell out $40 for the premium squad that had that. That would be fun@

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haha sure it would be fun (and a nightmare for pilots).

but historically did not have proxy fuse’s in WW 2 (as far as I know)

This premium is really only for the Flakbus lovers, of which I am one…but it will be on hold till sales


Japanese didn’t have it, Germans tried but chose the wrong path (detecting sound of a close-by flying engine which was doomed to fail since all that a shell “hears” is it’s own shockwave) but Americans developed an effective radio-activated fuse(small battery-powoered radar on the tip of projectile), very effective from the start - from what I remember, on the day of the testing there were 3 remote controlled targets and 4 shells were enough to take them all down - the test took much shorter than expected :v ). The effectiveness of 1 VT projectile relative to normal manually set time fuse was around 1000-2000 higher if you counted the number of shells fired to down 1 plane. The fuses were called “VT-fuses” as in Variable Time - intentionally unclear how the device really worked to confuse the enemy in case the name was overheard.
I think there were already lots of ships firing these VT-shells in WW2 and that gave the US an OP advantage over the Japanese.


good info :+1:

to clarify I mean Germany did not have proxy fuse rounds on the Flakbus :slight_smile: