Update "Rzhev"

well if it a single player or mostly co-op focus game that is fine (in my opinion) but when it multiplayer pvp? yea that a bit problematic

Usually X characters/stuff is banned from the PvP, but in a FPS you can just nerf thing,or add a similar counter

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Normandy get a new map variant of ver sur mer

man KV 2 overpressure seems to kill even Tiger II H in one shot.

  • I love it, HE from heavy howitzers should be super effective in general

I want to see operation unthinkable (USB agains Soviet onion) and i want to see tier 6 stuff (early cold war)

Wouldn’t this be solved if both weapons were moved to BR III or IV? Then there wouldn’t be a power creep.

It’s a new mission on maps for “Normandy”, Everytime you queue, let’s say for example tier 3 German, the server will make a map for you and others seeking a match, and, could be one of the new missions or any other previously available. It’s all random, ofcorse one can select that missions on custom games to play them.

Regarding the medals, on the profile they are, or were, rewarded on events the game had on the past for top players, or certain % of participants.

If you are talking about medals on soldiers, they are the ones a player can purchase on battle pass. They will display a mini medal close to their name :slight_smile:

well tbh idk what Joe was talking about i just saw your comment and think that you might not know what the word “powercreep” mean

sorry man


just noticed: the tanker placement is still bugged, since 6 months already.
i made the same post under the previous update.

Nice Update.

Just a little side request:

Would it be possible to show the default and current value/position of the Gamma-slider? I never know exactly what setting I am running. For other settings like sharpening the games displays a value.

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Yeah same on my end, noticed severe FPS drops + stuttering, turning the illumination quality thing to low did help somewhat, but the FPS drop is still noticable. So for lower end computers this update means a performance decrease (was something that I expected to happen when I I head about the graphical updates).

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You mean specific spawns on maps or anything else? If specific spawn, it’s needed reported on our site.

Xp visual bug should be fixed, please report if you still encounter it.


The new Studebaker model looks great


did anyone notice strange arty behavior? when allied arty is active, you have option of calling arty(summoning map for arty strike, not actually calling it) while it was previously not possible. bug or feature?


i mean that the tankers ingame dont sit in the spots you assign them in the menu

i think it for calling ammo cause they did say that ammo and arty are seperate

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Used to be the case, not now, all can be manipulated :sob:

i think this a good idea, as in everyone plays at least 2x enemy’s

but it is only for radio squads? they should remove option for all other squads.

Calling ammo box drop is only for radio squad.