Update "Rzhev"

Please for the love of God, don’t do this event in July. Scout camp is the priority but I really don’t want to miss an event like that

Hey I thought the new Soviet scoped rifles with the Sov radiomen where supposed, as per VaultCat saying,
“to not benefit from sniper weapons dispersion”

This a joke, right?

(my hand wobbled for one shot, but you get the gist of it)

Br 2, eh? sure df, sure… No obvious preference here :laughing:




“bias is a myth”

Anyway. Fun squad to be sure, I enjoy using it.

But there’s ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to have them one br lvl lower than the axis counterpart, none.


I think this should be solved as soon as possible.


Anybody feels like T20’s bayonet looks weird it doesn’t catch on to anything at least on the barrel side and it feels like its floating


Not sure what you are expecting. An M1 Bayonet secures onto the lug on the underside of the gas cylinder and has a ring around the barrel to key it into place. It seems correct at first glance.

If anything, that looks like an M1905 bayonet [rather] than an M1. M1905 was before 1943. T20 rifle was produced by Ordnance project after war ended.

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Somi kp31 damage should get this boost, I paid for it, but now it’s useless,because with the same 9mm Parabellum, damage should be restored to 6.8, too weak at BR5, or reduced to BR4, which is similar to BR4 PPD DZS

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Br 4 is pretty much br 5 thought… because there’s no difference of queues…

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yea look like it can fall off any minute now


anyway whenever i buy the flak bus im gonna use AP shell for bomber since those are super strong (i might try the HE-TF but if it ineffective im using AP)

Hmm this “update” contains several announcements of updates in the future…so that’s no update at all.
Just putting announcements of future updates in this update to make this one look bigger?

The ‘drop ammo box’ update seems nice but almost as useless as the ‘refill ammo box’ update.
There were like a hunderd better things that you could have fixed or improved instead of adding this.

The premium AAA squad with 88mm Flak has no timed shells and no proxy fuses…it can only get planes with direct hits :rofl:
Well I recon absolutely nobody is going to buy that ever.
Why not just get a tank instead if you can only shoot tanks with it.
Can you imagine the disappointment of somebody buying it, only to find out afterwards that he will never ever shoot down any plane with it?
Somebody actually thought that adding that squad was a good idea…?

Anyway, the new map is beautiful as they all are, but not my taste at all.
Only despressive greyness, broken buildings and misery.

I played it twice yesterday with Germany BR 2.
Got completely wrecked twice by the Russians.
Both battles were Confrontation and we lost all points without ever taking a single one.
I’m getting shot and laser zapped from everywhere, from behind and above and sniped across the map and shot dead by guys who are still standing behind a corner.
I’m dead before I know what hit me and I’m dead again before I can even find out where it came from.
Great! (not)
I guess it’s the usual Enlisted curse again, new stuff gets added somewhere, attracting many players, making it impossible to play for the other side (as Germany got absolutely nothing new in this update).
So thanks but no thanks, I wont be playing the new map for a while.

Also, the gameplay feels weird now.
Looks like my soldiers run faster and the screen goes faster too and looks less good imo.
Need to adjust my mouse movement to slower maybe…not a fan of that.

The cockpit of the Ju-87 has been updated you say, but looks completely different and the view port (open hole near the pilot’s feet, you use that to see when to start the dive) is now completely blocked by the pilot’s arm (I tried the B-2, D-5 and R-2) and I cant see anything.

So far, not happy…

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T20 is too powerful for the german guns to fight against! we need auto fg422 badly to balance it or nobody wants to play as German



The US still has a trash assault weapon compared to Germany.
The fact that the FG42 II is a bit worse than the T20 is not really a tragedy.

Btw. Se already know FG is going to get overhaul with addition of bayonet and so. It was confirmed by helper.


I just hope to see the change as soon as possible because BRV now is full of Americans and Germany AI


So Americans are back on top? time for me to switch back to Germans


But the fact is the barrel isn’t extended beyond muzzle if you take off the bayonet you can see that that means there is no place to secure the bayonet using the ring

Who would play the Yanks now just because they added T20? Better to play the Germans/Soviets. The new map is really great.


Dont really care for the why…just where they are.

I tend to prefer the underdog


Given the past experiences with bayonets overhaul, I hope this won’t mean that in order to get bayonets on my FG42s I will have to buy new ones for all my troops.


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