Update "Rzhev"



All German gun in game don’t use the bayonet?

There are German rifles with bayonets, but none among the FG42 models currently equips a bayonet.

And I’m worried because in the past, when guns that previously lacked bayonets were given one, the change only affected newly purchased guns.

Previously owned ones stayed without, save for getting a batch of spare bayonets from a dedicated event.

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Maybe these are the tracks left by mice XD

I like the current 2-legged stand
Maybe the bayonet version can be folded inside the FG42 instead of becoming the basic version

Oh yea I checked now is a different bayonet fg use a bayonet inspired from french one, we need purchase it again I fear :face_holding_back_tears:

I think the devs have an obsesion with stats of a gun, but not its acctual use. So, the Walter has 10 bullits and no semi-automatics that do 12(ish) damage are BR-II. The Soviet sniper had 5 bullits so is BR-II.

Its silly, however, if the walter is BR-II, then all semi automatics like the SVT-38, Gewehr 41 could arguably also be lowered. It might therfore be better to either weaken the Walter in some other way or make the Soviet squad higher.

But, I think the reall problem is that BR-III does not have a separate cue. If there was a seperate cue then BR-III squads would be way more ussefull.

Stripper clips semis maybe, but mag semis like svt definitely shouldn’t be lowered in any case.


Well, talking about bayonets. Maybe the secret recoil reduction of bayonets should get removed, visually I don’t like them knifes on my rifles, and I never use melee because I am stupid.

If anything bayonets could make the guns worse not better.

I got the exact opposite experience (getting wrecked by the Germans), which makes this even more of a wreck


Did you noticed too bright screen in menu and game after last update (xbox Series x)? On the console I don’t have gamma correction in options. I think soldier skin colors are unnatural now, same for uniforms eg brown uniform looks more like orange.

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I didn’t notice that, try adjusting the light settings on your tv, or monitor. I personally turned the brightness up in my game by about two clicks, because I think everything looks darker now, because of the new light settings.

But why should I adjust TV settings if all other games and content is OK?

Yes, I noticed exactly what you’re talking about. The brightness was definitely increased after the update. And it was especially noticeable on the skin of individual soldiers in the hangar.

Luckily I’m on a PC so I could adjust settings and nvidia filters to my liking.

I played with my Sov sniper radiomen yesterday…

They’re snipers through & through, not riflemen. But they can have the bonus hp perk.

The scoped rifle, IS a sniper one. It has no dispersion at all. (Test it in practice range you’ll see)

It’s soooo good… that I’d use it br 3. And should honestly BE br 3.

The german Walter is merely a re skinned g41. That has probably more recoil. It’s really meh.

Funny how the community cried for the hanomag to become br3 instead of 2, but this gets a pass.


It shouldn’t. All BR3 sniper rifles (SKT, SVD and SVT) are just way better.

It’s arguable if ability to use radio should increase BR of this squad. But I really don’t think it should. Since TT sniper squad can have radioman iirc.


I enjoy the squad. I’m running my 4 KB-Ps as secondary.
Sure it’s accurate and solid. But remember it’s five bullets, slow reload asf. And they’re snipers after all.

And from my experience the rocket artillery is worse than regular arty.

I think the squad is perfectly fine in BR II.

Oh I do enjoy it too.

I just disagree it’s a br bracket lower than the axis one.

Deadly accurate, scoped, 5 of them.

Remember they uptiered premium flamers and paratroopers and hanomag for far less.

It’s just a certain side that, again, receive special treatment…

As for rocket barrage, I found out it’s better in it’s role. It denies the area for much longer (but that’s personal preference.)

merge when?

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soon TM