Update "Rzhev"

what merge are they merging something again

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Hi Keofox, can you explain us what are the cool changes to the economy? I dont see anything about it in the patch notes. Thank you.

Merge in 20 min.


Oh boy, where did all my posts go? Somebody’s offended I guess.

Don’t feel special… Mods are just hiding off topic posts from all of us, nothing unusual.


No wonder it takes so long for updates to be released!

Can you stop yelling at clouds for 5 minutes?

Shrek noises


@OliveDrab1967 I thinks is time for you to chill out

Ok, where are you from pal?

Would be fine if it were cosmetics or other neat things, but whole gameplay options being locked is silly


Yeah, You’re right. But all people care about is making money unfortunately.

They would make more money if they focused on actual gameplay and cool maps rather than appeasing sweats who need to unlock something new every 10 minutes

I have nothing against this specific feature (rocket artillery) being limited only to event and premium squad and thus being more scarce in matches. Because it’s more or less just a gimmick. Same goes for fuel bomb planes and so on.

But in other cases I agree with you. Particularly paras should be released in TT as an anytime accessible squad. Because not having this squad available severely limits the gameplay of the attackers. It should be available to all f2p players at any time.


Paratroops are the most grievous example, for sure. I really wonder what the staff meetings that decide these things look like

Apparently the SVD-30 used by the radio operators should be renamed to SVD-33 since that’s what the scoped variant was referred to. With the S meaning different things:
Самозарядная (Self-Loading) for the SVD-30
Снайперская (Sniper) for the SVD-33

The ring doesn’t actually secure the bayonet; the lug does. The ring just keeps the bayonet located and all you really need is for the ring to fit over the end of the barrel.

On second glance, the way they’ve represented it is undeniably wrong, but not for the reason you stated. But you are on to something about the “funny business.”

What it looks like they’ve done with their representation of the T20 is they put an incorrect flash hider on the muzzle end of the barrel. If a flash hider is affixed to the muzzle of a Garand (especially one that large) then a bayonet ring would not be able to fit over the muzzle end of the barrel because the flash hider extends from the length of the barrel.

They either need to get rid of the flash hider (it is incorrect anyway. It would be an M2 flash suppressor) or get rid of the bayonet. They shouldn’t have both.

This is a picture of the barrel and gas cylinder on my Garand. Notice that little “bump” on the bottom of the gas cylinder? That is the bayonet lug. Notice the way the barrel sticks out in 2 different sections beyond the front sight? That’s where the bayonet ring sits. The ring just stops the bayonet from being able to slide farther rearward on the lug and somewhat aids in preventing twist if you need to stab someone with the bayonet.

If I were to install a flash suppressor, first I’d have to get my muzzle machined to be threaded, and if I add one it will extend the barrel and a bayonet will no longer fit without some extensive modifications to the bayonet.

I think that’s what your eye is catching

Your missing the point, Im explaining why walter is on BR-III, not why SVT should be on BR-II

I understand how bayonet works man but none the less thx

Exactly my point man man they also didn’t use the wrong muzzle brake for T20. the muzzle brake dont allow for bayonet or neither grenade launcher and was changed with T20E1 to allow for one other than that if we were to drop the muzzle brake we might as well add a foregrip which T20 early model had but was removed due to heat making it char

“. Excessive recoil generated by the powerful .30 caliber cartridge also proved to be a major problem. To aid in control of muzzle rise, John Garand designed a series of muzzle brakes. Though they proved effective in controlling muzzle climb, there were several problems with John Garand’s designs. The first muzzle brake design required a redesigned gas cylinder lock, and with that device installed on the barrel a bayonet or a grenade launcher could not be used on the rifle. Subsequent T20 variations had redesigned muzzle brakes that did permit the attachment of a bayonet or grenade launcher.”

Yeah it’s bs that it’s a mechanic that’s hyped up but only for premium squads. Big sad.

sniper semi autos have 0.05 dispersion, so it does not