I’m just built different.
well tbh i have seen worse in other game
yea if it separate by era it would be nice
but im not gonna have high hope tho
Always gives me a good laugh.
Ultimate edgelord nickname, reminds me when people had nicknames like xXxEmoboi420xXX or Samusslayer666
The Americans do not need more firepower otherwise will make things more complicated than it already is for the Japanese and keep in mind we’re forcing them into BR where they do not belong because of reasons.
Germans don’t need a 100 round MG either, their weaponry is fine, but that doesn’t stop you from suggesting it over and over again. Nobody is saying that USA has an urgent need for a new weapon, all OP is suggesting is that adding a new weapon for a faction with the second lowest amount of weapons in Tier V would be cool
The Americans do not need more firepower otherwise will make things more complicated than it already is for the Japanese and keep in mind we’re forcing them into BR where they do not belong because of reasons
Let’s fry this bird.
Germany has to fight body armor and Soviets with next to no recoil with the MG and nine man squads are actually quite good at overwhelming positions So overall Germany needs a belt fed MG with 200 rounds or something to hold back hordes of players at BR5 and because I have a good feeling the Americans are gonna get a Stinger soon.
And Japan doesn’t even belong at BR 5 yet we’re forcing them in there so I don’t think we need to make things more complicated than it already is for them.
I had a good feeling in some previous posts you were referencing to fry me again this just proves it
So you’re thinking about turning me into food and you’re thinking about sending the FBI on him you monster
The FBI comes to the lolicon’s house and you become fried chicken. It is a law of nature.
we’ve already established in a previous post that I’m already a dead bird and now I’m a skeleton so I don’t think you can fry a skeleton So overall I think we should leave the lolicon alone and do keep in mind we probably wouldn’t be here if America didn’t nuke Japan two times.
I think we should question who hired her and not the person we’re interrogating
well tbh i personally like the cold KGB chan since she is older (i think she is anyway)
That would be quite nice since I still have around 1 milion of free RP left after unlocking the Pershing and those RP need a new home in some high-tier Allied weapons and the Win M1 Gara-SAW, the T20E2 and also the T25 are giving me a “secondary bayonet” if you know what I mean.
Or maybe even giving us a new and better experimental rocket launcher (shameless plug lol) that was designed and tested in 1944
although I doubt it but you never know
Dear DF, Just give us anything comparable to the FGs without locking it behind a Gold order paywall like the T20E1, please.
EDIT: After reading all of the replies I must say that I love the forums residents ability to pull out absolutely random stuff out of nowhere just from someones nickname.
I received the Pershing and I still have 700,000 xp. I really need some new guns, man!
Dam man ngl I’m quite jealous but I understand that it my fault for not grinding US before update (but I am 80% done so it fine)