Give the Western Allies a stronger automatic rifle

america is far from strong enough, america rn is only powerful because we have good players. If you genuinely think that germany has no good gear you’re actually mental

You got mafia tompsons, 50 ammo tompsons and indians. Why you need more i cant understand that

I dont say germant dont have good gear, I say germany have dogshit planes. Only weak part of germ. Also I say that usa dont need assult rifles coz they got m2 and hvars meta. And m90 cheat tank from yesterday

Germans have the StG
Soviets have the Federov and the other prototype

Thompsons are far from good lmao.


The m2 carbine is somewhere between an SMG and an assault rifle, and it should go to the assaulter class regardless. The m2 carbine makes assaulters redundant in the US lineup.

It seems pretty likely that the US is going to get some kind of automatic battle rifle to reach parity with the other nations. Maybe they’re waiting until the Japanese tree is a little more filled out at the top tiers.

I’m of the unpopular opinion that nobody should get automatic weapons except for gunners and assaulters, and all automatic weapons should go exclusively to them.

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And still germany sucks 8/10 in usa)) and you ask for more cheat weapons

germany suffers


I usually kill 5-7 hwar shitters in every battle without being killed

They had delayed ordering something, out of jealousy of the new Japanese rifle. I feel that the allies are a well-armed faction and have absolutely everything. They will end up asking for the atomic bomb

People dont want to create alternative gayplay decisions, using strong sides of their faction. All they want is WE WANT MORE AND THE SAME AS GERMANS YEEEE, even if it will ruin balance even more. They cant understand that due to lack of brain cells

why shouldnt other factions get gear on par with germany?


Should they? These days germany is weaker then ever. Adding new cheats to soveki and usseki wont help the situation.

I think germany should be buffed instead. Give fg421/2 autofire as primary for example

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Germany suffers


The hyde 44 would be a nice addition for the BR 5 U.S assaulter lineup. The thompsons just lack enough muzzle velocity compared to the assaulter weapons of Germany and the Soviets.

Apparent balance issues are more the fault of the poor match making than weapon selections.

The main problem is that the Japanese tier V is kicking the ally’s butt :rofl::joy::joy:.
Now they want assault rifles to abuse the Japanese, and then they will want the atomic bomb.

I too like spreading misinformation (aka bullshit) on the internet

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lmao, got a good laugh outta me

This is a suggestion thread I built a while back, and it seems to argue almost the same thing.
U.S. automatic rifles - Suggestions - Enlisted

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If my germany cant, so atleast japs will give usa a lesson