Give the Western Allies a stronger automatic rifle

right now the US has the M2C which don’t get me wrong, its good and all but I believe it’d be better if we either had a research tree T20E1 or E2 rifle or even had the non-bipod BAR moved to a rifleman weapon.


Usa is pretty strong, and dont need any more weapons. HWAR is got to be nerfed i think. Its very powerfull and make germans feel headacke

Why do HVARs need to be nerfed?


Coz its usa main weapons, that farm too much, and I forced to play on fighters everytime I against usa, just to stop chineese from hwar farming.

so in the same vein does a tiger 2 need to be nerfed since they can farm kills as well? do the German planes with explosive 30 and 37mm cannons need to be nerfed as well? the US is powerful because we have good players.


Tiger 2 easy killed by hwars and 500 bombs. Actually tanks are useless against USA, since new pershing added with cheat ammunition.

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No one is talking about HVARs. The post is about USA weapons, not vehicles.

But yes, the US need an assault rifle in their tech tree.

First off, its spelled HVARS not HWARS, the pershing can be killed by any 75mm, and of course the tiger 2 can be killed by a 500 lb bomb, anything can be killed by a 500 lb bomb


They got M2 and that gun man talking about for gold order. Also they got overpowered universal carrier, which you can hide in any hole in the ground

I say that usa is strong enough, and they got a bunch of overpowered metas. If usa need a new rifle, then germans need more powerfull plane with rockets, that can dogfight usa planes and win

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Again, we’re not talking about vehicles and those 2 weapons are rifles. We need an automatic rifle or assault rifle so the US have at least one weapon in the assault rifle category.

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Cringe. I must play 1 lvl italian fighter on 5 hazard with 12 sec turning, because no other plane can dogfight soveki and usa planes

america is far from strong enough, america rn is only powerful because we have good players. If you genuinely think that germany has no good gear you’re actually mental

You got mafia tompsons, 50 ammo tompsons and indians. Why you need more i cant understand that

I dont say germant dont have good gear, I say germany have dogshit planes. Only weak part of germ. Also I say that usa dont need assult rifles coz they got m2 and hvars meta. And m90 cheat tank from yesterday

Germans have the StG
Soviets have the Federov and the other prototype

Thompsons are far from good lmao.


The m2 carbine is somewhere between an SMG and an assault rifle, and it should go to the assaulter class regardless. The m2 carbine makes assaulters redundant in the US lineup.

It seems pretty likely that the US is going to get some kind of automatic battle rifle to reach parity with the other nations. Maybe they’re waiting until the Japanese tree is a little more filled out at the top tiers.

I’m of the unpopular opinion that nobody should get automatic weapons except for gunners and assaulters, and all automatic weapons should go exclusively to them.

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And still germany sucks 8/10 in usa)) and you ask for more cheat weapons

germany suffers


I usually kill 5-7 hwar shitters in every battle without being killed