U.S. automatic rifles

Type Hei Automatic rifle will be added to Japan in the next update.

I am giving every soldier an M2 carbine, it is a powerful weapon with enough TTK, in addition to this I am buying 4 gold order T20E1s. We have enough firepower and are ready to intercept the Japanese.
But what concerns me is that the US is the only country (apart from BAR) that does not have an automatic rifle that uses rifle ammunition in its research tree. :thinking:

In the next next update, let’s give the U.S. research tree an automatic rifle that riflemen can equip.
Here are some suggestions for US automatic rifles.

An improved version of the Gold Order T20E1, without the bipot and with a separate pistol grip.
It uses a 20-round box magazine and can switch between semi- and fully-automatic fire.


This gun was developed experimentally by Springfield prior to the development of the M14.
It uses the new T65 lightweight rifle bullet, which is a .30-06 Springfield bullet trimmed down to the size of a .30 Savage bullet, but using the latest spherical powder to retain the same ballistic characteristics and power as a .30-06 bullet with a smaller amount of powder.

The Winchester M1 Garand ‘SAW’
winchester-m1-garand-saw-cody (1)
This is one of the variations of the M1 Garand developed by Winchester.
It was an experimental prototype gun, and as the name suggests, it was supposed to be an automatic weapon to support the squad, a weapon with the same role as the BAR.
It had a freestanding pistol grip, a 20-round box magazine, semi-automatic and fully automatic fire, and a large flash hider.
The bipot seems to have been removable.

M14E2_Rifle_SPAR3304_FEB._15._2005 (1)
Yes, I see what you are getting at. This gun does not exist in WW2.
But it is a very cool gun and may not make it into the game, but I just wanted to put a picture of it here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, this is a joke.
This FAL was trialled as an American rifle and given the name T48 in 1953.
When you become an adult, a year passes by in the blink of an eye. World War II ended in 1945, but doesn’t the gap between 1953 and 1945 seem like a mere error? This is also a joke. Don’t take it seriously.
Jokes aside, it’s pretty cool to see an American soldier wearing 50’s combat uniform holding this gun. I wish I could see this in-game.

You will probably get the opinion that the M2 carbine is sufficient.
But given that Germany has multiple Stg44 families and the FG42, it would be nice to add an automatic rifle for the US to use other than the carbine. if the M2 carbine is the weapon to counter the Stg44, the weapon to counter the FG42 is the T20E1, but this is a Gold Order only It is a new target for the American player.
Adding a new automatic rifle to the research tree would be a new goal and motivation for American players.
I hope the developers are interested in this proposal.
Please let me know what you think.
If you know of any other guns that would work best for us, please let us know that as well.


M2 carbine is superior to Type Hei Auto. At least in regards to the stats that were on the test server.


Yes, probably so.
But I want new weapons in the research tree.


DF is listening to you and will give you a new AR and LMG again for the Soviets instead :cold_face:


They are itching to add the Spagin AS-44.



tbh i like the front look of this one it more unique


There are several other plans for automatic rifles for the US military.
Like the T25, these guns were prototyped by the U.S. Army’s light rifle program.

This is a bullpup style garand.
Designed by John Garand, it was the lightest of the weapons in the light rifle program, weighing no less than 7 pounds, at 8.7 pounds. This rifle used a gas trap system similar to Garand’s earlier designs to cycle its action. Almost the entire length of the barrel was covered with a gas cylinder. When ignited, the propellant gases of the ignited bullet are directed into the cylinder, pushing out a short-stroke tappet piston and forcing the bolt rearward.


A German-style roller-lock action gun designed by Cyril A. Moore.
The T25, which was being developed in parallel and was the expected successor to the M1, received little funding and support for the project.

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These are so perfect for Korean war and onward tbh but that will take maybe 4 year (i mean that how much i would guess if they ever add it)

Honestly I find the M2 Carbine to be kinda eh to use. It’s a good gun, and dang will it get a job done, but it just isn’t that much fun to use. Gimme the Garand with nade launcher

Is it?
Looking at ass44, rd44, pretty much all Japanese protos, etc…
It wouldn’t even be far fetched :laughing:

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It wouldn’t be ww2 content in ww2 game. Which is extremely lame.


Yes, the game will feature any prototype weapon for which plans existed before 1945, even weapons that were never actually manufactured, but it will never feature any weapon from 1946 onwards.

that why ww1 gun can be in enlisted even if they stop production in like 1920 (looking at you farquhar-hill)

It already is lame. There’s so many bizzare prototypes, even if they were “supposed” to be in that time period, they never were. Not so different than other stuff that weren’t. A bit like coomders.

So at that point I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m pretty certain we will see cold war era at some point too. Even if I hope ww2 era are cold war to be separated, Soviet faction already broke that line with their late tier protos… and they want more of it, like is3. Or t44 (i know it was produced. But never was used)

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I think it will. I believe we will eventually see post-WWII content.
I just hope it will be a thing in itself. And that it will be strictly separated from the ww2 content.
Until then there is no reason to add one random post war weapon.

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Doesn’t make sense. They’re prototype from specific era using specific know how.
Adding post eart weapon/prototype is just a worse than adding ww2 or pre ww2 prototype

I know.

But what is “specific” era for Enlisted? When does it starts & ends? Because it’s very loose here. I say I don’t want to see t44 and is3 because they came after the war ended. But some want to see them anyway.

Many anachronism. Very ahistorical. Much Veekay45 rage inducing.


All these T-series prototypes makes me think of a fun april fool’s event idea now that we have a gun that shoots 2 rounds at once. Give us the SPIW/duplex/multiple boolet per boolet guns that everyone was experimenting with in the 50s and 60s.

No, both of them were made and tested before the war ended. They just didn’t make it into army fast enough.
But the prototypes existed.

As I have said, I don’t mind ww2 prototypes. But I hate idea of introducing post war prototypes/weapons into to game for no good reason whatsoever. Especially since ww2 counterpart of such prototypes/weapons exist.