US Tier 5 guns

I wouldn’t be against it. It would definitely make Soviet end game unique.

Also soviets should get operation bagration maps for high br. I cant imagine how boring soviet high tier is currently with only urban maps


I want Leningrad maps it could be used for low br and especially high br. Low BR can be obviously start of the operation with movement through Russia around the Leningrad, for BR5 we should get non urban places like Moscow campaign maps they can have some villages, small towns or just forests with valleys and rivers. Leningrad–Novgorod offensive of 1944 would be great since it has all of it

You could make a dozens maps just about this single operation (for BR3-5 ofc)
There was also Operation Polar Star (1943) and Battle of Narva (1944).


Also khalkin gol and manchuria so japan can fight ussr


The Johnson Auto-Carbine: A Firearm History Footnote | An Official Journal Of The NRA (

The Daisy Mae has seen more combat than the M1944 Hyde Carbine and is stronger.

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Frankly, I’d like a Garand in that void, with Winchester’s prototype pistol grip and detachable magazine for fully automatic fire.
winchester-m1-garand-saw-cody (1)
It is an automatic weapon that uses full-size rifle rounds, the equivalent of the FG42 or AVT for the U.S. Like the T20.
This should be a weapon available to all riflemen.

I know the Hyde carbine has been proposed many times, but I think this would be an equivalent weapon to the StG44 because it uses .30 carbine rounds. Therefore, the Hyde carbine would suit its status as a new weapon for assaults.
U.S. automatic rifles - Suggestions - Enlisted

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But it is using the same cartridge that the M2 Carbine is shooting. The M2 Carbine might as well be allowed for the assaulter class and avoid the effort of creating and then adding a new gun.

It would be fun to make the M2 an assault weapon, but it would be more fun to keep the M2 and give each country a full auto weapon that uses relatively medium sized ammunition similar to that of the M2.
Germany can give the MkB42 back to the riflemen and engineers as Adam said.

…Btw, I still don’t understand why the developers made it an assault weapon in the merge. What was the balance they were trying to achieve? :neutral_face:
Why only MkB when riflemen can already use AVT, FG42, M2 carbine… :joy:

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In that case I have no idea what to give the USSR and Japan…
Maybe the Soviets should make the Ppsh41 a weapon that can be used by all classes? lol

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Because that was literally an assault weapon before the merge. The Stalingrad engineer can use them was just a special case.

I am not sure about that.
What is the definition of an “assault weapon”? Do you mean a carbine or rifle that can fire on full auto?
As I mentioned, you are asking if an FG42 or M2 is not an assault weapon. It can be used by riflemen and engineers.
After all, “assault weapon” in a game doesn’t mean anything more than “a weapon that is considered an assault weapon by the game design”.It means nothing more than what the developers have decided it to mean.
If that is the case, then there is no reason to change the MkB42 to an assault-only weapon when the M2 and FG42 are allowed for riflemen, is that my point.
It is not as good as the StG44.

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What do you mean they change the weapon? The MKB42 is an assault rifle pre merge. The only stuff they change is Stalingrad engineer.

If we are being honest, it is not a bad idea to let engineers and riflemen being able to use a PPSh. The Japanese could get the benefit of having their telescopic sights for Type 96 mg and Type 99 mg and let them be used by both Machine gunners and Snipers. Maybe let the knee mortars be used in the way everyone knows them for as well.

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Something should come.

I have ample silver and millions of research at the ready along with 11 gold weapon orders. Bring me something to spend on!

I am not going to play along with your silly word games.
The MkB simply says that it is no longer available to the engineers.

Nothing is impossible with Darkflow.
BR5 is becoming more and more fantastical…

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The only engineer can use the gun is the Stalingrad engineer which is a special case.
Assault rifle in other campaign can’t be use by engineer. For example MKB42 in Moscow campaign.
Unlike AVT, FG42,M2 carbine it can’t be used by rifleman, at gunner, radioman.

M2 Carbine should be moved to Assault Rifle category and Colt Monitor should be added to the US BR-5 Rifle tree.

Former Colt monitor squad owners get a special icon, skin or refund.


1934 Model 2A

Type 95 6.5×30 mm


Well, it might be simplest to make the M2 into an assault weapon and give the US something like the T20.
Anyway, if the game keeps the balance, I guess I’m good to go.
I just can’t wait to see what the new toys will look like. :star_struck: