Well here i have made a Tier 4 and 5 for Japan tech tree and I hope Gaijin will add Manchuria and Khalkhin Gol so we can have some USSR vs Japan battles.
Japan is not ready to go to rank 5 and the main reason is the absence of tanks and the inferiority of anti-tank weapons. Even if we provide these weapons, Japan will be far behind the U.S. and therefore should not go to rank 5
You could have also added type 4 AT launcher with 90 mm rocket

It has 120 mm pen
you could have also added more planes especially planes with rockets
A6M5 Hei
All of these planes can carry The Type 3 No.1 Mod.28 Mk.1 rocket
A6M5 Hei
These planes can carry The Type 3 No.6 Mod.27 Mk.1 rocket
Also check these threads I made there are so many cool stuff if you want you can add them
Dude, the MXY-7 is not an airplane, it’s more like a human-operated missile, the weapons for suicide attacks are terrible
Although IJA does not have many infantry weapons and tanks, they definitely have more aircraft worth installing, and there is no need for such inhuman weapons.
I’m looking forward to N1K1-J, ki-84, B7A, etc.
Well with US I have to go against king tigers with the same inferiority of anti-tank weapons. Many times you are matched with tier 3 weapons in tier 5 matches so i don’t see why not add some of them to tier 4. To be honest i will need the most Kawasaki Ki-102 against big armor the rocket will deal with all types of big armor. Will be a real Sherman or T-34 killer.
Are you suggesting you are not willing to die for the Emperor or should i call the Kempeitai ?
Jokes aside well it will be nice weapon to deal with the biggest tanks in game fast and easy and its something unique to Japan we have 1 suicide weapon why not another maybe we can barrow some suicide vests from China if you want more human weapons xD But yes i agree more planes will be nice i added only the most unique that i will love to have them now but there is a lot more planes that i wish i can see. There will be nice if engineers in artillery squads can build Type 4 20 cm rocket launcher and Type 11 70 mm infantry mortar with AA mine discharger that will be a cluster bomb it will be so effective.
Oh no, I’m not hikokumin lol
Honestly, if we ignore the moral aspect, I think it has the potential to be a unique special teams unit.
After all, many players in the game fly planes to destroy tanks in this way.
It should appear in the air like a paratrooper, carried by a G4M,
Just imagine, you are sitting in the MXY-7 waiting for orders, and then you hear the G4M pilot giving the order, and you are dropped like a bomb
The MXY-7 is constantly approaching the ground, and you must find a target worth hitting before it hits the ground to make your sacrifice worthwhile.
Yeah, cruel and heroic
Chi-ri II Has the same performance as PZ IV its good tank at BR 4 OR 3 but not 5 but we have to go with it since Japan doesn’t have better options
Yes I think its place is at BR 4 at the end and Ho-Ri to be the only tank in BR 5 or no tanks in BR 5 just more planes cuz there is a lot late war planes that I would like to see so Japan will have more planes