Necessary aviation 5 br Japan

Ki-67-I otsu

Just give it out:
3 x 250 kg Army Type 92 GPHE bomb or 8 x 100 kg Army Type 94 GPHE bombs

J2M3 - Raiden

And give it to HIM

It is also enough to transfer it from the project of the same name


give us also rocket planes

All good but none of them have rockets

A6M5 HEI can carry up to ten rockets

Also A6M6c can carry up to 10 rockets
and a lot of Japanese plane too
Japan needs planes armed with rocket after all its gonna go against HVARS
here all the planes I found from warthunder which carry rockets
A6M5 Hei


i don’t think it’s a smart idea to get anti ship rockets in this game, mostly because tiny tims

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What difference does it make if it’s HE

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most likely the radius of blast (HUGE)is the difference but only 2 can be carried so in my eyes its fair but I rather have 10 rockets going against 8 hvars

These missiles are 6 times weaker than HVAR

These are missiles against airplanes

You would have a point if anti plane missiles would not yet exist ingame.

But they do exist and nobody has a problem to slam them into ground and call it a day.

They won’t kill anyone.

Do you even know which rockets i am talking about?
I guess not because they do kill a lot…