Testing the next update

Ironically, they supposedly fixed the mounting part that’s probably the hardest one.

But dispersion, in all likelihood, is just a number in a line of code.

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man, I’m not a liar so I’m going to tell you the truth, I’m not a programmer but this seems to be easy to solve, I could be judging wrongly, but you saying this, it seems like something easy , Even so, we can only wait buddy

you go to taskmgr.exe and kill it, or alt-f4 on the test server launcher.
Then you launch the main launcher

This one is already in game, you can buy it this battlepass season

exept not really.
They added a cönders MG but what they really added was the cönders smg instead and called it MG for god knows what reason. So the mg version should be still good to go.

Let me go ahead and report the issue with naming.
Well i was quite confused when i saw the item got conders_smg_weapon as a name in mods editor. That explains it

pssst @James_Grove, I recently made a post about every issue I could find with the g41(m) premium squad, can you let the devs see it as they work on the newest update?


also, the preliminary feedback topic is locked so we can’t post our feedback there

That’s why you can leave feedback here с:


Could you please turn up the music volume? It’s disproportionately low to all the other sounds. I literally have to have all other sounds at max 40, while my music is at 100 just to match it.

This is not just an issue on test server, but also on the live client.

I really didn’t care until I modded the music. But now it’s bugging me a lot.
(Btw. Even the original Enlisted theme track is about 3x louder as a standalone waw file than it is in game.)

I wonder if it’s intentional decision or should I report it as bug to CBR?


yea i want the music to be maybe 20 or 30 more louder than rn ngl

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It should be at least 200%, current 100% isn’t even normal volume level.

I had to literally increase volume of whole system. Never had similar issue in any other game I have played.

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All gewehr41 and type 4 rifle worked like that before. They just forgot to update that squad.
Also, did you notice that the soldier just let the slide push away the second stripper clip instead of manually taking it away in the old reload animation. I missed that

yes, i know all of the rifles worked like that before, i have been playing enlisted for a whole year now

ahh i see, so um… g41(m) fixes pretty please with cherries on top?

And promotional pics featured this tank way back when Berlin campaign was announced.

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On the topic of outfits for premium squads could we get a spec ops and winterized look for bulge and general maps for the US 506th premium paras? With the sale, they seem to be getting alot of play; so some outfit improvements would be nice to see:

US paras (506th) parachute regiment have very limited cammo options beyond the M42 paratrooper cammo in the outfit menu, others just being tone camo changes.

Importantly theres nothing for winter uniform in bulge map or other spec ops feel for these iconic troops

Potentially adding the “Pathfinder” darkened cammo outfit for the early drop special ops feel?

And maybe a winterized tan green variant for Bulge map


Sound good.

But I’ve a little question… It’s possible to use the special medic customisation ( only avaible in medic’s squads actually) for all medics in all squads ?

And the same for the radio operator headset.

Yep. I remember seeing some footage of that tank in an old YT video.

The panther F got removed from the game because (if I remember correctly from past discussion) was unhistorical… But now thing are different so I thinks it get reintroduced sooner or later (maybe alongside the panther 2)