Testing the next update

The increased dispersion seemed to be a coding bug. To me the game have a hard time adjusting the mounting mechanics on dynamic surfaces, i.e. :trenches and shell holes. Solid fixtures seemed to work fine.

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“* The one-piece torso appearance options in the Pacific War campaign for the US were divided into two, torso and legs.”

This needs to be an option for Japan as well.

Any new about fixing custom game issuesss



Yeah, you can mount your gun more easily, except it became even more pointless to do so, because what you’ll get is increased dispersion AND visual recoil obstructing your view.

Seriously, don’t bother unless they change that.


Thanks @ErikaKalkbrenner . I was coming to this only. Please @James_Grove @_Movmav @Euthymia07 can you ask the devs to fix this minor issue in the final release? We have been asking for it since ages. This only requires a small fix in coding. Link to the CBR post: Community Bug Reporting System

Nice to see the T-34-100 but this could have been a much better choice if you ask me.

Also it is time you gave the Germans this bad boy. It was in the Closed Alpha from what I remember.


Well, is the T20 rifle going to be a tech tree unlock or an event/BP weapon? Could you unearth anything regarding that? This could shift the meta in a major way for the US. Just like it did for the Japanese.

You have failed to escape from your addiction and a great price might be paid in the future lol. Well thats the same for me i suppose.

The template for the T20 is broken in the test server so it is hard to tell if it for sure but it does not have a tag like BP or event yet. They could still add a event, premium Tag later (unless those already exist but are hidden by broken template but the hotchkiss has the same but with BP tag so IDK) but so far seams like it might be TT.

The only thing you can see for sure is the item name and that it counts as a semi auto.


I see. Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate it.

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Sorry I’m on console I don’t know

So a Tiger II H without its only weakness? Mobility?

Doesn’t sound like a good idea to me

I own it in War Thunder. The mobility is marginally better, but it sure doesn’t sprint around like a Stuart.


So just a premium Tiger II - for those who want to own 3 King Tigers.

I dont understand why did are they going to add the SIG KE7 to japan. Japanese actually didnt use that it was the chinese. The SIG KE7 would have been a perfect unique lmg for the chinese. Also why are they adding the french hotchkiss as a battlepass weapon to axis. This seems like the french arent going to get added if they just start putting french equipment as a gold order or something. There are a lot of different unique german and japanese machine gun prototypes that the game doesn’t have like these

VMG 1927 (30 or 50 round drum mag, 500 rpm)

Barnizke MG (belt fed)

Knorr-Bremse 1935/36 (25 round box mag, 500 rpm)

MG39 Rh (belt fed, about 700-800 rpm)

Mauser LMG M1934

Vollmer LMG Model 1926

Vollmer V.G.1 machine gun

Cönder’s MG (belt fed, 2200-2400 rpm)

Hunneshagen LMG

Type 89 single machine gun (69 round pan mag, 670 rpm)

Type 92 machine gun (47 or 97 round pan mag, 500 rpm)

Type 11 Modification B (belt feed)

Type 91 Tank Machine gun

Sayama Jiro Arsenal (belt fed, 700-800 rpm)

Shisei Type 3 Prototype

Sorry, for some reason I couldn’t send images. These machine guns can be found by just searching from google and looking at images.


I hope they change this, or everything they did was just a joke .
Seriously man, how difficult is it to fix something? How difficult can that be? fix something and don’t fuck it up , Dude, do you have any idea we’re arguing over something simple LOOL, (bipodating a gun) how stupid is that? I’m going to pretend that I believe that they will fix it

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No its not that different than normal KT it still has the same speed but has only 50 more horse power which allows it to accelerate and reach its max speed faster than normal KT H otherwise both have same Max speed

Which is what I mean when I say mobility.