Hi, I'm that guy who complains about the G41(M), here is an exhaustive list of everything wrong with it

  • The reload is 100% broken. You will reload 2 clips after firing 1 bullet, this is unbelievable considering every other rifle, from the Lee Enfield to the Type Ko rifle got proper reloads implemented.

  • The iron sights are terrible. The soldier has his chin above the ejection port, the entire viewmodel needs to be moved back because the ironsight view is stuck way, way, way too close to the face. If this was real life, the soldier would literally be eating the spent casings.

Here is a picture comparing the sights of the G41(m) and the Kar98k, another mauser rifle.

  • In game, the ammo on the G41(m) is NOT interchangeable with the G41(w) or the Kar98, which is very weird because being compatible with Kar98 clips was an important part of the design

  • In game, the description of the G41(m) states the longer barrel gives it an increased muzzle velocity over the G41(w), however, this is untrue and both rifle statcards list a muzzle velocity of 750.

Now, typically I would be more care free about some of these issues, but the reason why I examine this rifle so closely is because it is PREMIUM, it is only obtainable by spending $30 worth of Enlisted Gold.

Because this rifle is sold for real life currency, my expectations for Darkflow are higher. A weapon sold for real life currency should not be so grossly neglected.

Please note that my frustration is coming from a place of love, and that I genuinely want to see Darkflow address problems to create a more improved game.


The premium Italian squad I bought is also neglected. The cockpit of the Breda 88 (P.XI) is not even rigged.


lets hope a helper or developer can see this as the new update is worked on

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I’m still waiting on the M1911 and M1A1 Carbine reload animation to be fixed.

And to add up, G41(M) has the option to function as a bolt-action rifle if the gas system is broken. (like the Kar98k, hence many brought features from 98k) This game didn’t feature this function.

Oh yes, I’m aware, however, I do not expect darkflow to program such a unique feature to one weapon, my post is mostly about bugs and errors