Testing the next update (August 26)

Okay, but should we also write a separate entry in the update log

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AI tankers play objective better than most human tankers. Amazing lmao


Good update.

May i ask, is there a reason why the AVS-36 is still semi auto from the start now? Cant it be full auto normally too?


Darkflow please add KV-2 into the AI tank list for the lolz. :smiley:


In reality, G43kurz only has 480RPM.

Speaking of FG family. I remember a long time ago it was confirmed by some helper that FG should get its bayonet.

I guess that’s been dropped. Since there is an apparent FG overhaul with no mention of a bayonet.


But they leave their tanks very often
needs to file a bug report for that

They do it even if in combat situation? Because imo they leave the tank for capture the cap points

Should be fixed now.


If they leave their tanks it’s either:
because they’re stuck
because they don’t get enough kills (so it’s useless)


This is a question of historical accuracy. The real G43k does not have a burst fire function.

and yeah not mentionned, but it’s fixed
the belt on the BF 110 G-2’s 37mm changed as well, so now it only has 37mm APCR, and no more HEF


At least the fg is more “equal” against their counter parts, beggin in auto fire mode then the Potato launcher is fixed is just… Perfection :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I don’t understand this, Fedorov MG is not an OP weapon in BR V. Why are you nerfing it so much?

well, yea… so I could ask why this was done in the first place… but still, people like the gun the way it is… changing it NOW is kinda dumb.

well because its a MG, and its heavy I guess?


The aim speed is significant buff, it went from 0.3 ads speed to 0.7, so it’s like a normal fedorov just with a small sprint speed penalty


HA argument is very weak in the context of overall historical accuracy in Enlisted.

They just deliberately nerfed an already pretty rare weapon (which cannot be obtained for a long time) with a completely dubious argument. Just completely changed the parameters of a weapon that was primarily sold for premium currency.

I assume they just don’t want me to spend more on GO weapons. That’s how I am reading it.


I mean they could turn it into full auto with a higher rate of fire, but I think if its burst fire mode goes, its lost its uniqueness anyways…

Well, it still has 10.1 damage, which means u can put someone down with one shot. Normal AR can’t do that.