Testing the next update (August 26)

The test server is available from August 26th 12:00 (UTC) to August 28th 12:00 (UTC)

Download the test server client | Preliminary patch notes | Report a bug!

What is a Test Server

This is a separate game server to which your account is copied. The next update is already available on this server, and every Enlisted player on PC can participate in testing it before the official release. To get on the server, you need to download a special client and install it separately from the main game client.

The actions performed on the test server and the earned progression will not be transferred to the main game server.

Your feedback is important

This is the main purpose of testing — to find and fix bugs in the upcoming update before its release, and to discuss with you ideas on how to make the update even better.

Feel free to leave your feedback on the update in the preliminary patch notes’ topic, and any bugs you find can be submitted via the link in the header of this announcement.

Thank you for helping us make Enlisted better!


Nice, i already got onto the test server before this post was out
I was just going to ask for the patch notes :), but i guess its here now!
Keep up the great work devs! I am looking forward to trying everything out!


Reserved for later feedback.

Improved server compatibility for custom games and event-based mods with “motivated” soldiers.



EDIT:6.5: Fixed.


Please remove this arbitrary limitation, as this is not a problem in current live version. Why would you limit battle area complexity?


on the moon map, Earth still has broken texture:



AI actually drives so good (or bad) i couldn’t tell if it’s a player or not. Until they get stuck on an obstacle.


Holy cow, these patch notes look good

  • FG series brought into line with other SF rifles
  • anti-kamikaze system
  • overall weapon rebalancing for some powerful premium LMGs
  • G43 K has auto instead of burst

This might be two updates in a row where y’all cooked. Keep it up!


So now we have AI driven tanks? Do I understand it correctly?

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AI Commanders can now use tank squads.

@James_Grove So in other words, AI tanks can roam around the map and kill enemies? I’m very interested how the AI works here.

  • Corrected the weight of the Fedorov MG from 5.5kg to 9kg.
  • Added sprint speed penalty for the Fedorov MG.
  • Increased the aiming speed of the Fedorov MG.

You’re finally making the Federov MG BR4 right?? Just like the store Icon says?

Implemented an “anti-kamikaze” system: Players who crash an undamaged aircraft will be prohibited from respawning with an aircraft for their next spawn.
Added the ability to spawn with a motorized infantry squad without an APC, both when the maximum number of APCs are present on the map and when the limit is not reached.
Added a notification when a player’s APC is destroyed.
Added 1x250kg bomb for the BF-109 K-4 aircraft.
Added 1x250kg bomb for the P-63A-10 aircraft.
Reworked collision for shells, anti-tank and grenade launcher projectiles.
Halftrack M3A1 - lowered the front window’s shield to combat position, changed the driver’s view point accordingly.

All fantastic changes, looking forward to this


Omg, they fixed the FG42, time to main Germany I suppose.

  • Implemented an “anti-kamikaze” system: Players who crash an undamaged aircraft will be prohibited from respawning with an aircraft for their next spawn.

Wait, isn’t this one of the best change ever made ?


Wait, isn’t this a huge nerf to G43 K ? Without the burst mode the fire rate is only 550, much less than with the previous model. I don’t have this weapon but this seems like a bit nerf.

I might be missing something though.


Is it in normal battle? If it is in, how are you gonna solve the problem of ai squad occupying the vehicle slot?


this problem has been solved long before you asked
If the AI tank is not killing players for a long while (or is stuck), then it’s crew will be kicked out


How often will ai spawn tank? Will it significantly affect the player that want to use tank?


Very cool update - that being said, The G43K is one of many favourites gold order weapons.

It makes sense to change it into full auto, because that’s what it actually had.

However I and many think this weapon has a unique playstyle to it because of its burst. I actually believe it should stay the way it is.

You might even add a second G43K in full auto.


I mean if it still has its supreme accuracy and low per shot recoil, it would pretty much be a long barreled STG - not necessarily worse.

Im glad the Gerat got some attention. But its still the only BR 5 semi auto rifle.

With the new USA engineer premium squad also being a 20 round semi auto at BR 4, The gerat should be a no brainer.


This is a good question tho
On full matches it’ll have no effect obviously since there won’t be any ai to use tanks
But i don’t think it should have a big impact on players who want to use tanks


hope this also means more damage - so that it doesn’t get stopped by soviet body armor and paratrooper vitality.


Nan because sometime we just lose the control of the aircraft when diving

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I am more interested in the ai tanks. How exactly do they work and is it possible to do an player vs AI tank battle?