Testing the major update

Why are you comparing it with weapons it will never face, lol?

So the ±50% dmg difference is the reason for more than 100% ammo difference.

Seems legit.


No, I’m just saying it’s consistent with all the other select fire rifles, that they’re not nerfing it for an arbitrary reason.

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I think 30/60 (30/150 with big ammo bag) would be better.
Especially if they decide to keep 400 rof. (Meaning, the bigger dmg doesn’t matter that much).


If you are talking about the base version, that already exist in the editor for quite a long time.


I agree with you.
On another note, has this problem that has existed since the merger been resolved?
(Gaijin.net // Issues)
If the silence about bugs continues, STEAM reviews will be filled with complaints about existing bugs.


Good changes to Thompsons but it needs minor tweaks to further make them better.

Thompson M21/M28 (Box Magazine) - > Needs ironsight point of view, lowered. So you don’t get a big block in the middle of the screen.

Thompson M1A1 - > Position needs to be pushed a bit further to open up peripheral/side view. Iron sight too close to player camera

Thomson 1928A1 - > Needs iron sight point of view, lowered. So you don’t get a big block in the middle of the screen.

All these adjustments, would help bring each weapon in line with other good changes to compete in terms of visibility and actually be considered as a viable pick, as well as make them enjoyable to use.

Also considering you guys added DX12 and new AMD features, I made a post suggesting maybe a possible fix to Fullscreen in conjunction with Nvidia, that is currently not functional. Maybe this is an easy fix and can be brought into the next update.. The problem: Nvidia does not see the game full screen, is this a bug?


It was drivable pre merge alongside with tiger h1 and kv 1 zis 5. They made them undrivable when the merge happened

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I agree with your concerns.
If possible, I also wanted to test major updates to check only the new features, and I also wanted to have fun.
But they leave too many bugs unattended.
Although it is unavoidable that many bugs will occur, the problem is that there are no announcements for those who are waiting for major bugs to be fixed. they lack manners.


I remembered. They ignored a lot of player feedback during merge testing. What on earth was the test for?
The bug I was raving about in a post a while back was originally reported in a merge test. They didn’t address it and brought the bug into the official version, ruining the 9000 gold worth of content I collected.
They collect feedback from users, but I don’t see them doing anything with the feedback they collect.

I hope this doesn’t turn into a joke.


Well. It can only pen Panther mg port…

Like Pz4H vs Jumbo.

I prefer both remain tier 4 UNTIL there’s better mm brackets. Because kv zis does not belong in a br 1-3 match that’s for sure: equivalent of Stuart vs Tiger ppl used so much as a reason.


There’s no significant difference between og KV and new KV.

Doesn’t matter if BR1/2 needs to penetrate 75mm or 90mm. It will not happen in either cases.
And the weak points stayed the same.


why i can dress up as montgomery him self / partisan on the front lines?

or like… full tan in the ardenne?

as much i’m greateful we have civilian looking like clothes, why can the british wear them ?

like, i’m also greateful that we got more options for paratroopers outfits to non paratroopers units.

yet… the germans can’t do the same?

or… neither the premium rider squad which are paratroopers to begin with?

anyway, the rest looks really, really great.

i still have to test AI with mortars and see if they are in/efficient ( since… let’s be honest, no players run with mortars and disconnect. even less chances of appearing in customs since bots profile do not have mortars ) through mods.

happy about the new toys too.
even happier with the tiger H1 with gray camo. looks awesome.


When are you going to return my stolen customization?

Source: This German Camo is just 'GONE' after the Latest Update!


Attention please, commanders! By popular demand, we’re extending test for 24 hours.
Test server will be turned off tomorrow at 15:00 UTC.

Also, if you decide to use DirectX 12, then please leave us feedback!


Where is this demand coming from?, i don’t see any mention in posts, of demands for server to run another 24h? :stuck_out_tongue:




well i can now do more practice with Achilles now since i still miss quite a lot

and i gotta perfect the “simultaneous” MG firing on LVT

Can’t I change all the Shader Compile to be done immediately after I run the game instead of doing the Shader Compile in real time within the in-game?


It’s exactly the same thing for the Pz4 H on tier 4, why would you pick this instead Panther or Tiger 1 :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, Pz IV H doesn’t belong to BR4 either. It’s obvious.

Btw. Do not let me start about chi-nu… :PP