Testing the major update

The last helmet is already available on live server.


In a review troubleshooting of my team’s testing process in the development test server.
We found a bug.
A bug that is still related to the Corps system.

↑↑↑The image above shows the state of the Japanese 16th Communications Battalion in the official server.
It reached level 32 and has 2 overflow R&D levels/R&D points.


↑↑↑The image above is a screenshot of the new weapon after testing it in the dev test service.
As shown, the 16th Comm Battalion has 33 levels.
But, in the dev test service, I purchased level 31, 32, and 33 using gold in order to unlock the 3~5 star modification level access for that new weapon.
I can`t prioritized use the 2 overflow R&D levels/R&D points I had on the official server, and then only needed to purchase 1 R&D level/R&D point.
In other words, my 16th comm battalion was returned to level 30 in the dev test service, and the free R&D ranks/points that overflowed in the official server, were appropriated.
Please have the assistant corps and dev team members test and fix this.
But I think it’s very likely that feedback from players will be passed on and ignored, just like in the “merged” version, After feedback on the overflow of corps ranks/points, some of the overflow of R&D ranks/points was saved, but a significant portion was erased. Like the thousands of disassembled bayonets, scopes and launchers (with no gun counterparts) that were mercilessly removed from the warehouse piles in subsequent releases.
Because “those people” don’t care.


Only for certain squads for the Battle of the Bulge only and not for the other campaigns.


If they would add an Ho-Ri, it would be one that has the 37mm Cannon also on it with a Type 97 mg

Yep. Pretty much

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It’s just a KV tank w F-34 and what’s the ammo for it ?

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It has supposedly a bit better armour… that will help against things UNDER it’s tier.

But it’s fine at br 4. Normal KV at br 3 is already borderline and many debated it. That new one if at tier 3 would be too much, really.

Let’s keep in mind, that not everyone min max stuff. Someone might have g43 semis (tier4) unlocked, but pz3N (tier2) as best tank unlocked…

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By Maus, you mean E-100?

Will reducing the frames of the toggle action help?

The goggles still not fixed. LMAO


Completely irrelevant. Since the added armor is on places that vehicles under its BR already can’t penetrate. Literally nothing will change for them, meanwhile the weakpoins are still the same. Nothing has change about them.
The new gun cannot penetrate H1 frontally and it can penetrate panther only trough MG port. Not mentioning KV has way worse maneuverability. And both those tanks can easily penetrate it frontally.
This tank doesn’t belong to BR4, it belongs to BR3.
I would really love see a person who would pick this tank over T-34/85, lol.

But I really do not understand why they added it now. Since queue policy is so toxic atm and classic KV is already way too much controversial tank.

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The rate of fire on the Type 100 machine gun isn’t correct either. Ingame its stated as 600rpm (I assume for a single gun) but it should be 900rpm for a single gun.

“発射速度 九〇〇発/分(片銃)”
“Fire rate 900 rounds/min (single gun)”

Also while we’re on a roll of wrong Japanese rate of fire values ingame (thanks @SzepWaxweiler for the mention earlier btw), the Type 100/40 SMG is still at 450 even tho it should be 700 rpm and the Type 99 lmg should be 550rpm not 800.

-Type 100 (Type 1) aircraft MG RoF: Pg. 355 “Japanese Army Aviation Weapons: Development and Changes of Machine Guns and Cannons” (日本陸軍航空武器 機関銃・機関砲の発達と変遷) by by Sayama Jiro(佐山二郞)
-Type 99 LMG RoF: Pg. 441 “Introduction to Rifles, Handguns, and Machine Guns: A Thorough Study of Japanese Small Arms”(小銃・拳銃・機関銃入門―日本の小火器徹底研究) by Sayama Jiro(佐山二郞)
-Type 100/40 RoF: See this post Type 100 early correct rate of fire


May I ask a question, will the bug where gun grenades cannot cause damage correctly be fixed after the update? This bug has been around for almost a year, and countless players have reported it on forums and feedback channels, but it has not been fixed yet. Instead, it is becoming increasingly serious.


I would argue that it’s fine right now and would be “increasingly serious” if they were buffed. Or un-nerfed. Or… whatever.

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I hope that never. Spam of grenade launchers is toxic and they are fine as they are now :ok_hand:

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But I want to use gun grenades normally, so I don’t feel good at all, and this is a serious bug that should be fixed.

Hello, please fix the reload of the G41(M). It reloads like the old G41(W) before the merge

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You need to switch Anltialiasing Mode

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Driving vehicles like trucks or the random vehicles on maps still very clunky. APC spawns are still bad getting stuck inside of the ground, rocks, houses or trees. They become useless if they get stuck.

Most of the bugs and gameplay issues aren’t fixed.


Just now getting FSR2 is cool I guess, but what about FSR3?

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