As I seen in the last test update you guys implemented DX12 and other AMD features.
But can you please integrate Nividia DLDSR, this technology has been out for a while but not working in Enlisted. It’s a Down Sampling technology but with Nvidia’s AI cores, like the reverse of DLSS, the catch is you lose little FPS compared to normal downsampling. It makes the game look incredibly good. As a friend of mine expressed when he first saw a game with it, “it’s like I opened my eyes for the first time”. The image is that crips and good looking.
This technology works out of the box and does not need implementation from the developer, it works as long as the game is full screen. I
So the problem is Nvidia does not detect the game in full screen. Either that or the game does not actually run in full screen and it’s just borderless pretending it’s full screen, some engineering bandaid fix.
We the players cannot know what is going on behind the engine hood, but running full screen should be an easy fix.
A very in-depth video about this technology here: